6. Chaṭṭhavaggo
6. Chaṭṭhavaggo (53) 1. Niyāmakathā 445. Niyāmo asaṅkhatoti? Āmantā. Nibbānaṃ tāṇaṃ leṇaṃ saraṇaṃ parāyanaṃ accutaṃ amatanti? Na hevaṃ vattabbe…pe…. Niyāmo asaṅkhato,
ĐỌC BÀI VIẾTAbhidhamma is the third great division of the Piṭaka. It is a huge collection of systematically arranged, tabulated and classified doctrines of the Buddha, representing the quintessence of this teaching. Abhidhamma means higher teaching or special teaching; it is unique in its analytical approach, immensity of scope and support for one’s liberation.
The Buddha Dhamma has only one taste, the taste of liberation. But in Suttanta discourses, the Buddha takes into consideration the intellectual level of his audience, and their attainment in pāramīs. He therefore teaches the Dhamma in conventional terms (vohāra vacana),making references to persons and objects as I, we, he, she, man, woman, cow, tree, etc. But in Abhidhamma the Buddha makes no such concessions; he treats the Dhamma entirely in terms of the ultimate reality (paramattha sacca). He analyses every phenomenon into its ultimate constituents. All relative concepts such as man, mountain, etc., are reduced to their ultimate elements which are then precisely defined, classified and systematically arranged. Read more..
6. Chaṭṭhavaggo (53) 1. Niyāmakathā 445. Niyāmo asaṅkhatoti? Āmantā. Nibbānaṃ tāṇaṃ leṇaṃ saraṇaṃ parāyanaṃ accutaṃ amatanti? Na hevaṃ vattabbe…pe…. Niyāmo asaṅkhato,
ĐỌC BÀI VIẾT7. Sattamavaggo (63) 1. Saṅgahitakathā 471. Natthi keci dhammā kehici dhammehi saṅgahitāti [saṅgahītāti (pī.)]? Āmantā. Nanu atthi keci dhammā kehici dhammehi gaṇanaṃ
ĐỌC BÀI VIẾT8. Aṭṭhamavaggo (73) 1. Chagatikathā 503. Cha gatiyoti? Āmantā. Nanu pañca gatiyo vuttā bhagavatā – nirayo, tiracchānayoni, pettivisayo, manussā, devāti [ma. ni.
ĐỌC BÀI VIẾT9. Navamavaggo (84) 1. Ānisaṃsadassāvīkathā 547. Ānisaṃsadassāvissa saṃyojanānaṃ pahānanti? Āmantā. Nanu saṅkhāre aniccato manasikaroto saṃyojanā pahīyantīti? Āmantā. Hañci saṅkhāre aniccato manasikaroto saṃyojanā
ĐỌC BÀI VIẾT10. Dasamavaggo (95) 1. Nirodhakathā 571. Upapattesiye pañcakkhandhe aniruddhe kiriyā pañcakkhandhā uppajjantīti? Āmantā. Dasannaṃ khandhānaṃ samodhānaṃ hoti, dasa khandhā sammukhībhāvaṃ āgacchantīti ?
ĐỌC BÀI VIẾT11. Ekādasamavaggo (106-108) 1-3. Tissopi anusayakathā 605. Anusayā abyākatāti? Āmantā. Vipākābyākatā kiriyābyākatā rūpaṃ nibbānaṃ cakkhāyatanaṃ…pe… phoṭṭhabbāyatananti? Na hevaṃ vattabbe…pe…. Kāmarāgānusayo abyākatoti?
ĐỌC BÀI VIẾT12. Dvādasamavaggo (116) 1. Saṃvaro kammantikathā 630. Saṃvaro kammanti? Āmantā. Cakkhundriyasaṃvaro cakkhukammanti? Na hevaṃ vattabbe…pe… sotindriyasaṃvaro…pe… ghānindriyasaṃvaro…pe… jivhindriyasaṃvaro…pe… kāyindriyasaṃvaro kāyakammanti? Na
ĐỌC BÀI VIẾT13. Terasamavaggo (126) 1. Kappaṭṭhakathā 654. Kappaṭṭho kappaṃ tiṭṭheyyāti? Āmantā. Kappo ca saṇṭhāti buddho ca loke uppajjatīti? Na hevaṃ vattabbe…pe…. Kappaṭṭho kappaṃ
ĐỌC BÀI VIẾT14. Cuddasamavaggo (136) 1. Kusalākusalapaṭisandahanakathā 686. Akusalamūlaṃ paṭisandahati kusalamūlanti? Āmantā. Yā akusalassa uppādāya āvaṭṭanā…pe… paṇidhi, sāva kusalassa uppādāya āvaṭṭanā…pe… paṇidhīti? Na
ĐỌC BÀI VIẾT15. Pannarasamavaggo (145) 1. Paccayatākathā 711. Paccayatā vavatthitāti? Āmantā. Nanu vīmaṃsā hetu, so ca adhipatīti? Āmantā . Hañci vīmaṃsā hetu, so ca
ĐỌC BÀI VIẾT16. Soḷasamavaggo (156) 1. Niggahakathā 743. Paro parassa cittaṃ niggaṇhātīti? Āmantā. Paro parassa cittaṃ ‘‘mā rajji’’, ‘‘mā dussi’’, ‘‘mā muyhi’’, ‘‘mā
ĐỌC BÀI VIẾT17. Sattarasamavaggo (166) 1. Arahato puññūpacayakathā 776. Atthi arahato puññūpacayoti? Āmantā. Atthi arahato apuññūpacayoti? Na hevaṃ vattabbe…pe… natthi arahato apuññūpacayoti? Āmantā.
ĐỌC BÀI VIẾT18. Aṭṭhārasamavaggo (177) 1. Manussalokakathā 802. Na vattabbaṃ – ‘‘buddho bhagavā manussaloke aṭṭhāsī’’ti? Āmantā. Nanu atthi buddhavutthāni cetiyāni ārāmavihāragāmanigamanagarāni raṭṭhāni janapadānīti?
ĐỌC BÀI VIẾT19. Ekūnavīsatimavaggo (186) 1. Kilesajahanakathā 828. Atīte kilese jahatīti? Āmantā. Niruddhaṃ nirodheti, vigataṃ vigameti, khīṇaṃ khepeti, atthaṅgataṃ atthaṅgameti, abbhatthaṅgataṃ abbhatthaṅgametīti? Na
ĐỌC BÀI VIẾT20. Vīsatimavaggo (194) 1. Asañciccakathā 857. Asañcicca mātaraṃ jīvitā voropetvā ānantariko hotīti? Āmantā. Asañcicca pāṇaṃ hantvā pāṇātipātī hotīti? Na hevaṃ vattabbe…pe… asañcicca
ĐỌC BÀI VIẾT21. Ekavīsatimavaggo (200) 1. Sāsanakathā 878. Sāsanaṃ navaṃ katanti? Āmantā. Satipaṭṭhānā navaṃ katāti? Na hevaṃ vattabbe…pe… sāsanaṃ navaṃ katanti? Āmantā. Sammappadhānā…pe…