Videos (1) Căn Bản Thiền Minh Sát – Ngài Thiền Sư Mahāsī
Videos (1) Căn Bản Thiền Minh Sát – Ngài Thiền Sư Mahāsī Link videos trên Youtube: Link toàn
Videos (1) Căn Bản Thiền Minh Sát – Ngài Thiền Sư Mahāsī Link videos trên Youtube: Link toàn
ĐỌC BÀI VIẾTVideos (2) Phương Pháp Hành Thiền Đúng Đắn – Hướng Dẫn Hành Thiền Minh Sát – Ngài Thiền Sư Mahāsī
ĐỌC BÀI VIẾTVideos (3) Duyên Khởi – Hướng Dẫn Hành Thiền Minh Sát – Ngài Thiền Sư Mahāsī Link videos trên
ĐỌC BÀI VIẾTInsight Meditation: Basic and Progressive Stages by Mahasi Sayadaw SEEKING HAPPINESS It is a truism to say that nobody likes suffering
ĐỌC BÀI VIẾT(The following is a talk by the Ven. Mahasi Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita U Sobhana given to his disciples on
ĐỌC BÀI VIẾTSEEKING HAPPINESS It is a truism to say that nobody likes suffering and everybody seeks happiness. In this world of
ĐỌC BÀI VIẾTThe Progress of Insight (Visuddhiñana-katha) A Modern Treatise on Buddhist Satipatthana Meditation by The Venerable Mahasi Sayadaw Translated from the
ĐỌC BÀI VIẾTVipassana Meditation – THE METHOD IN BRIEF (BY MAHASI SAYADAW) Eight Factors Fulfilled Every time you note “rising,” “falling,” “sitting,”
ĐỌC BÀI VIẾTVipassana Meditation – THE METHOD IN BRIEF (BY MAHASI SAYADAW) Way to Nibbana In spite of his endeavour to contemplate
ĐỌC BÀI VIẾTVipassana Meditation – THE METHOD IN BRIEF (BY MAHASI SAYADAW) Without Jhana If a person, who has acquired the knowledge
ĐỌC BÀI VIẾTVipassana Meditation – THE METHOD IN BRIEF (BY MAHASI SAYADAW) With Jhana Those who desire to practise Vipassana should first
ĐỌC BÀI VIẾTVenerable Ashin Silanandabhivamsa (Agga Maha Pandita) [ Biography of the Author ] (from the courtesy of Vipassana meditation is
ĐỌC BÀI VIẾTSamatha Meditation – THE METHOD IN BRIEF (BY MAHASI SAYADAW) The samatha meditation comprises (40) sorts. They are as enumerated
ĐỌC BÀI VIẾTBuddhist Meditations – TRANQUILITY VS. INSIGHT (BY MAHASI SAYADAW) What do we meditate on? How do we develop insight? These
ĐỌC BÀI VIẾT(BY MAHASI SAYADAW) Benefits of Samatha Meditation Of the two meditation methods, by practising samatha, four stages of Rupa-Jhanas and
ĐỌC BÀI VIẾT(BY BHIKKHU PESALA) The word meditation in Pali is ‘bhāvanā,’ and it has a much broader meaning. It means ‘mental