Audios cuốn Patipada – Venerable Acariya Mun’s Path Of Practise – Ajahn Maha Boowa
1. Translator’s Introduction
2. Kammaṭṭhāna
3. Training the Mind
4. The Story of the White-robed Upāsaka
5. More About Training & Venerable Ajaan Mun’s Talk
6. Stories of Bhikkhus Who Practise
7. The Ascetic Practices – Dhutanga
8. The Story of Venerable Ajaan Chob
9. Bhikkhus of the “Modern Kind”
10. About Beings in the Realm of Ghosts
11. The Practice of the Dhutangas
12. The Nature of Greed & Fighting Pain and Kilesas
13. A Short Biography of Venerable Ajaan Khao
14. The Methods of Bhāvanā
15. The Importance of Mindfulness
16. The Kammaṭṭhāna Bhikkhus’ Ways of Behaviour
17. The Customs of Kammaṭṭhāna Bhikkhus
18. How Questions Differ in Samādhi & Paññā
19. More on Behaviour & Dhamma Discussions
20. The Story of Venerable Ajaan Brom
21. Venerable Ajaan Mun’s Practice & His Methods of Teaching
22. Appendix
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