The Prince and Princess led an idyllic life together. King Suddhodana made sure that they had every luxury. He did not want the Prince to see or feel any sorrow, for he did not want Prince Siddhaartha to give up His kingdom and become a Buddha. King Suddhodana wanted his son to be the next king.

One day when the Prince was out riding with Channa, His charioteer, He saw a very old man. The man was very feeble, hunched over, and could hardly walk. Having never seen old age before, the Prince inquired from Channa as to what had happened to the man. He then found out from Channa about old age and that it would someday happen to all of us. The kind-hearted Prince was very sad and thoughtful about this new-found information.

On another day when He was out with Channa He saw a very sick man in great pain. The Prince, who had never seen such grave sickness, inquired from Channa as to what was wrong with the man. He was even sadder when He heard about sickness and pain and that it could happen to anyone.

The Prince was again out with Channa when He saw the funeral of a man. The dead man’s friends and relatives were crying and carrying him for his burial. Having never faced death before, the young Prince was horrified to find that death was something we all had to face.

For many days the young Prince was disturbed by these sights: Old age, Sickness, and Death, common to all living beings. “Was there any way he could stop this life of old age, sickness and death that all mankind had to face? Was there any way that he could deliver mankind from pain and sorrow?” The young Prince pondered these questions.

The sad and thoughtful Prince was again out with Channa when He saw an ascetic, a person who had renounced the world and all his belongings and taken the life of a monk. What serenity, what peace of mind! The ascetic’s face looked calm, free from worries. This, then, must be the answer, thought Prince Siddhaartha. He made up His mind to give up all of His wealth and kingdom to become an ascetic. He decided that He wanted to find a way to end this sorrow of old age, sickness and death, so that He could help mankind.


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