Beginnings: The Pali Suttas – Part Xi: Appendix
BEGINNINGS: THE PALI SUTTAS – PART XI: APPENDIX At the beginning of the century, when the Buddha’s Teaching had only
ĐỌC BÀI VIẾTPhật Giáo Theravāda: Pháp-học, Pháp-hành, Pháp-thành
BEGINNINGS: THE PALI SUTTAS – PART XI: APPENDIX At the beginning of the century, when the Buddha’s Teaching had only
ĐỌC BÀI VIẾTBEGINNINGS: THE PALI SUTTAS – PART X: CHOOSING A STANDARD In spite of all this there are still those who
ĐỌC BÀI VIẾTBEGINNINGS: THE PALI SUTTAS – PART IX: CONCLUSIONS With the closing of the Second Council we have no further Canonical
ĐỌC BÀI VIẾTBEGINNINGS: THE PALI SUTTAS – PART VIII: THE FIFTH NIKAYA In the entire Vana Samyutta (IX (i,197-205)) we find no
ĐỌC BÀI VIẾTBEGINNINGS: THE PALI SUTTAS – PART VII: LATER ADDITIONS “But how do we know,” it may be asked, “that with
ĐỌC BÀI VIẾTBEGINNINGS: THE PALI SUTTAS – PART VI: THE FIRST COUNCIL “Come, friends: let us recite the Teaching and the Discipline
ĐỌC BÀI VIẾTBEGINNINGS: THE PALI SUTTAS – PART V: THE FOUR NIKAYAS Each company had its own core of favourite Suttas, which
ĐỌC BÀI VIẾTBEGINNINGS: THE PALI SUTTAS – PART IV: THE VENERABLE ANANDA Within the first year after the Buddha’s enlightenment, there entered
ĐỌC BÀI VIẾTBEGINNINGS: THE PALI SUTTAS – PART III: BEGINNINGS The Pali Suttas have their beginning in the Deer Park at Sarnath,
ĐỌC BÀI VIẾTSyncretism? It may be objected at this point (or even sooner) that all this inquiry is absurd and that the “obvious” approach,
ĐỌC BÀI VIẾTBEGINNINGS: THE PALI SUTTAS Where does one begin? This is obviously the first question. And when the issue at hand
ĐỌC BÀI VIẾTBEGINNINGS: THE PALI SUTTAS – PREFACE Preface A discussion of beginnings would be entirely unnecessary were it not that beginnings