A Discourse on Paticcasamuppada or The Doctrine of Dependent Origination

Venerable Mahasi Sayadaw
Translated by U Aye Maung

Published by U Min Swe
Buddhasasana Nuggaha Organization
Rangoon, Burma.

(Prepared at BuddhaNet, http://www.buddhanet.net  , for free distribution)



  1. Importance Of The Doctrine
    2. Reflection Of The Bodhisatta
    3. Anuloma Reasoning
    4. Beyond Reasoning And Speculation
    5. Dhamma Is Only For The Wise
    6. Difficulty Of Understanding
    7. What Is Avijja (Ignorance)?
    8. Ignorance Of The Origin Of Dukkha
    9. Ignorance Of The Third And Fourth Noble Truths
    10. Right View, Etc.


  1. Avijja Leads To Sankhara
    12. Unwholesome Kammas
    13. Rejection Of Good Kamma Means Bad Kamma
    14. Ignorance And Illusion
    15. Sankhara Causes Vinnana
    16. How Sankhara Leads To New Vinnana
    17. Sassata And Uccheda
    18. Death-Bed Visions
    19. The Story Of Mahadhammika Upasaka


  1. Vinnana and Nama-Rupa
    21. Upapata Rebirth
    22. Sansedaja Beings
    23. Vithi-Cittas
    24. Manodvara Vithi
    25. Follow-Up Vithi
    26. From Vinnana Arises Nama-Rupa
    21. The Story Of Cakkhupala Thera
    28. The Thera’s Verdict
    29. Pure Thought And Happiness


  1. Nama-Rupa And Salayatana
    31. Rupa And Ayatana
    32. Summary


  1. The Buddha’s Emphasis On Practice
    34. The Abstruseness Of The Doctrine


  1. Relation Between Manodvara And Vinnana, Etc.
    36. Recapitulation
    37. Vedana Leads To Tanha
    38. Six Kinds Of Tanha
    39. Tanha And Samsara
    40. Extinction Of Craving
    41. The Story Of Mahatissa Thera
    42. Story Of A Parrot
    43. Contemplation And Extinction
    44. Cutting Off At The Foundation
    45. Kilesa And Unmindfulness
    46. Thoughts And Tactile Impressions
    47. Three Kinds Of Craving (Tanha)


  1. Tanha Causes Upadana
    49. Bases Of Sensual Pleasure
    50. Ditthupadana (Bigotry)
    51. Right Views
    52. Seeing The World Beyond
    53. Parami And Kamma
    54. Silabbatupadana (Clinging To False Practices)
    55. The Story Of Korakhatiya
    56. Other Silabbata Practices
    57. Attavadupadana (Clinging To Belief In Soul)


  1. Clinging Leads To Becoming
    59. Kammabhava
    60. Upapattibhava
    61. Story Of Mendaka
    62. Upadana And Kammabhava
    63. Puppharatta Jataka
    64. Right And Wrong Good Kamma
    65. Kamma And Rebirth
    66. Four Kinds Of Kamma
    67. Story Of Ajatasattu
    68. Habitual And Death-Bed Kammas
    69. Birth And Suffering
    70. Grief And Lamentation
    71. Story Of Subrahma Deva
    72. Kamupadana Means All Kinds Of Excessive Craving
    73. Attachment To Belief As The Cause Of Rebirth
    74. Superstition And Evil Rebirth
    75. Fanaticism Or Religious Upadana
    76. Silabbatupadana – Attachment To Wrong Practices
    77. Attavadupadana – Attachment to Ego-Belief
    78. Story of Ugga


  1. Vipassana Practice and Upadana
    80. Life-Cycle and Three Time Dimensions
    81. Five Causes in the Past
    82. Distinction between Sankhara and Kammabhava
    83. Present Effect Due to Past Cause
    84. Knowledge for Vipassana Practice
    85. Removing the Present Causes
    86. Arahat’s Outlook On Life
    87. Not Annihilation But Extinction Of Suffering
    88. Story Of Yamaka
    89. Bhikkhuni Vajira On The Nature Of Khandhas


  1. Four Layers, Three Links And Twenty Factors
    91. Three Cycles
    92. Four Aspects Of Paticcasamuppada
    93. The False View Of Sati
    94. Distinctive Character Of Each Phenomenon
    95. Absence Of Effort (Avyapara)
    96. Relevancy Of Cause To Effect
    97. Conclusion
    98. Cutting Off The Cycle Of Defilements
    99. Arahan And The Attributes Of The Buddha
    100. Story Of Baka Brahma
    101. Sammasambuddha
    102. The Fame Of The Buddha
    103. The Four Noble Truths In Brief
    104. Sammasambuddha And Buddhahood
    105. Summary

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