Nội Dung Chính [Hiện]
Agga Maha Kammatthanacariya
(Born in 1921)
The Sayadaw was born in Waw Township, Bago District, Myanmar in 1921 to U Tha Phyo and Daw Pu. He became a samanera at the age of nine at the Waw Monastery. He studied at various learning monasteries, amongst which are the two well-known Shwe-hintha forest monastery and the Maydhini forest monastery.
He attained the title of Dhamma Lecturership in 1956, and another title of Dhamma Lecturership in 1958. On 4th January 1998, the 7th Waxing of Pyatho, 1359 M.E (the Golden Jubilee Independence Day of Myanmar) he attained a yet higher title of Dhamma Lecturenship, that of Agga Maha Kammatthanacariya.
The Sayadaw taught Buddhist Scriptures to about two hundred monks daily at the Maydhini forest monastery for twenty years. After having meditated under the tutelage of the late Venerable Mahasi Sayadaw for a year, the Sayadaw decided to teach meditation. He founded the Saddhammaransi Meditation centre in 1978. The centre is now catering to two hundred yogis daily.
The Saddhammaransi meditation centre has three branches: –
(1) Sukhapatipada Saddhammaransi meditation centre at Kyauk-kon, Yangon, founded in 1993.
(2) Vivekatawya Saddhammaransi meditation centre founded in 1994, at Nyaunglebin
(3) Khippabhinna Saddhammaransi meditation centre of Jndyne, founded in 1995.
The Sayadaw is also a prolific writer and has published several Dhamma books. He is one of the chief advisory Sanghas in the main Mahasi meditation centre in Yangon. Recently he has visited Singapore, the United Kingdom, France, the United States, Australia, Japan, Thailand and Malaysia at the invitation of the devotees, to conduct meditation retreats and to give dhamma talks.
No.7, Zeyar Khaymar Road
8th Mile, Mayangon Township,
Yangon,Myanmar (Burma), Tel: (00951) 661597
Saddhammaransi Sayadaw
Ashin Kundalabhivamsa
Mahasi Nayaka
Agga Maha Kammatthanacariya
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Rules to be observed by all yogis practising meditation at Saddhamma Ransi Meditation Centre 1. Must bring a recommendation letter from an ex-yogi of the Saddhamma Ransi meditation Centre (Yeiktha). The recommending ex-yogi must take responsibility for the particular Yogi, he / she has recommended. 2. Must be between the ages of 8 and 80. 3. Must stay at any suitable place (room) allocated to Yogi by the Yogi-care-takers. Except for the room allocated, Yogi is not allowed to go and sleep in other rooms. 4. Must be a healthy person. Must not be either physically or mentally handicapped. Must not be effected by any contagious disease (s) or drug-addicted. 5. Must bring only essential utility items which are to be used at the meditation centre. Must not bring any valuable items such as gold and jewellery. 6. Must abstain from wearing dresses which are not suitable at the Meditation Centre. Ladies must wear white long sleeve shirt or three quarter length sleeve shirt, blouses ang Yogi (brown)- coloured longyi. Men Yogi are not to stay wearing only vests. 7. Yogi must observe the Nine Precepts. 8. Yogi must practise according to Mahasi Sayadaw’s Method. 9. Yogi must not smoke or chew betel leaves. 10. Yogi must not talk except for special purposes. 11. The beddings and personal clothings must be neatly folded and stored. 12. When the gong strikes 3 times all Yogi must go up the hall to meditate. 13. When the gong strikes once, the Yogi may get up with noting and practise the walking meditation. 14. Like sitting and walking meditations, standing, lying down, bending stretching etc. must be done with mindfulness, all actions must be performed gently and mindfully. 15. Shall not go outside the Yeiktha compound. To leave the compound on emergency and under unavoidable circumstances only. Yogi must get prior permission from the Yogi-care-takers. If it is necessary to leave the Yeiktha overnight, Yogi must get the permission to do so from one of the sayadaws. On arrival back Yogi shall report to the sayadaw who has given the permission to leave overnight. 16. Visitors should not be permitted into the Yogi Halls. 17. The maximum stay at Yeiktha is limited to (3) months. After completion of (3) months’ meditation, the same Yogi will be accepted only after an interval of (6) months. 18. If it is essential for the Yeiktha, Yogi must accept change of rooms allotted to him / her. 19. Before leaving the meditation centre, Yogi must clean his / her room. No personal properties shall be left at the Yeiktha. 20. Must follow the instructions of the Yogi-care-takers whenever necessary. 21. Yogi are not allowed to wash heavy clothing such as mosquito -nets & blankets. 22. Apart from the fixed electrical items, Yogi are not allowed to use irons, fans etc. 23. Female Yogi & nuns are not allowed to visit Sangha / men hostels without a companion. |
Daily Schedule for Foreign Yogis |
03:30 |
Wake up |
04:00– 05:00 |
Sitting Meditation |
05:00– 05:20 |
Taking Precepts |
05:30 |
Breakfast |
06:30 — 07:30 |
Sitting Meditation |
07:30– 08:00 |
Walking Meditation |
08:00– 09:00 |
Sitting Meditation |
09:00– 10:30 |
Bathing – Personal Practice |
10:30– 12:00 |
Lunch – Rest |
12:00– 13:00 |
Sitting Meditation |
13:00– 14:00 |
Walking Meditation |
14:00 — 15:00 |
Dhamma Talk (Tape Recorded) |
15:00 — 16:00 |
Walking Meditation |
16:00 — 17:00 |
Sitting Meditation |
17:00 — 18:00 |
Walking Meditation – Evening Drink |
18:00 — 19:00 |
Sitting Meditation |
19:00 — 20:00 |
Walking Meditation |
20:00 — 21:00 |
Sitting Meditation |
21:00 | Personal Practice |