Pāli Primer – Lesson 13
Lesson 13 1. Conjugation of Verbs The Present Tense, Active Voice (continued) Verbs which have the base ending in -e
ĐỌC BÀI VIẾTLesson 13 1. Conjugation of Verbs The Present Tense, Active Voice (continued) Verbs which have the base ending in -e
ĐỌC BÀI VIẾTLesson 14 1. The Future Tense The future tense is formed by adding -ssa to the root / verbal base
ĐỌC BÀI VIẾTLesson 15 1. The Optative or the Potential Mood The optative expresses mainly probability and advice, and ideas such as
ĐỌC BÀI VIẾTLesson 16 1. The Imperative The imperative mood expresses a command, benediction, prayer or wish. Base: paca = to cook
ĐỌC BÀI VIẾTLesson 17 1. The Past Tense Conjugation of verbs with the base ending in -a. Base: paca = to cook
ĐỌC BÀI VIẾTLesson 18 1. Declension of feminine nouns ending in -ā Vanitā – woman Singular Plural Nom. vanitā vanitā, vanitāyo Voc.
ĐỌC BÀI VIẾTLesson 19 1. The Past Participle Past participles are mostly formed by adding -ta to the root with or without
ĐỌC BÀI VIẾTLesson 20 1. Declension of Feminine Nouns ending in -i Bhūmi = earth, ground Singular Plural Nom. bhūmi bhūmī, bhūmiyo
ĐỌC BÀI VIẾTLesson 21 1. The Present Participle (contd.) This lesson is a continuation of Lesson 11 and should be studied together
ĐỌC BÀI VIẾTLesson 22 1. The Future Passive Participle The future passive participle or the potential participle as it is sometimes called,
ĐỌC BÀI VIẾTLesson 23 1. The Causative Causative verbs are formed by adding -e / -aya / -āpe / -āpaya to the
ĐỌC BÀI VIẾTLesson 24 1. Declension of Feminine Nouns ending in -u Dhenu – cow Singular Plural Nom. dhenu dhenū, dhenuyo Voc.
ĐỌC BÀI VIẾTLesson 25 1. Declension of masculine nouns ending in -i Aggi – fire Singular Plural Nom. aggi aggī / aggayo
ĐỌC BÀI VIẾTLesson 26 1. Declension of masculine nouns ending in -ī Pakkhī – bird Singular Plural Nom. pakkhī pakkhī / pakkhino
ĐỌC BÀI VIẾTLesson 27 1. Declension of masculine nouns ending in -u Garu = Teacher Singular Plural Nom. garu garū, garavo Voc.
ĐỌC BÀI VIẾTLesson 28 1. Declension of masculine nouns ending in -u / -ar Some masculine nouns have two bases ending in