By Venerable Ãcariya Mahã Boowa Ñãõasampanno
Translated by Venerable Ãcariya Paññãvaððho
The word “Kammaṭṭhāna” is a technical term, and it is given a special significance in the way of Dhamma as practised by those who are Dhutanga Bhikkhus. The true basis of kammaṭṭhāna however, is to be found in everyone — in men, women, those who are ordained and lay people, for it refers to such things as hair of the head, hair of the body, and the rest.
Some people may not have understood the full meaning of the word “kammaṭṭhāna” or “Dhutanga Kammaṭṭhāna Bhikkhu,” so this book will be con- cerned only with the way of practice of Dhutanga Kammaṭṭhāna as derived fromVenerable Ajaan Mun (Bhūridatta Thera). Outside of this I am not well versed or experienced in other ways of practice, only having a passing acquaintance with them without ever having had a chance to become familiar with them. However, concerning those ways in which Venerable Ajaan Mun led his fol- lowers I understand them quite well, having seen, heard, and practised them. But before writing about this, some explanation of the word kammaṭṭhāna will be given, for it is the basis of the way of practice of Kammaṭṭhāna Bhikkhus and this will serve as a guide to show how it conforms to the practices which will be described later on.
The word “kammaṭṭhāna” has been well known among Buddhists for a long time and the accepted meaning is: “the place of work (or basis of work).” But the “work” here is a very important work and means the work of demolishing the world of birth (bhava); thus, demolishing (future) births, kilesas, taṇhā, and the removal and destruction of all avijjā from our hearts. All this is in order that we may be free from dukkha. In other words, free from birth, old age, pain and death, for these are the bridges that link us to the round of saṁsāra (vaṭṭa), which is never easy for any beings to go beyond and be free. This is the meaning of “work” in this context rather than any other meaning, such as work as is usually done in the world. The result that comes from putting this work into practice, even before reaching the final goal, is happiness in the present and in future lives.