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Bài Giảng Về Vi Diệu Pháp Abhidhamma Của Ngài Hiệu Trưởng Dr. Nandamalabhivamsa (Tiếng Anh)
Dr. Nandamalabhivamsa
International Theravada Buddhist, Missionary University, Yagon
(nguồn Dhammadownload.com)
Dhamma Talk Video
1: Abhidhamma For Daily Life Day01: 2-12-2006 (afternoon)
2: Abhidhamma For Daily Life Day01: 2-12-2006 (evening)
Mirror Of The Dhamma 3-12-2006 (afternoon)
3: Abhidhamma For Daily Life Day02: 3-12-2006 (evening)
4: Abhidhamma For Daily Life Day03: 4-12-2006 (afternoon)
5: Abhidhamma For Daily Life Day03: 4-12-2006 (evening)
6: Abhidhamma For Daily Life Day04: 5-12-2006 (afternoon)
7: Abhidhamma For Daily Life Day04: 5-12-2006 (evening)
8: Abhidhamma For Daily Life Day05: 6-12-2006 (afternoon)
9: Abhidhamma For Daily Life Day05: 6-12-2006 (evening)
10: Abhidhamma For Daily Life Day06: 7-12-2006 (afternoon)
11: Abhidhamma For Daily Life Day06: 7-12-2006 (evening)
12: Abhidhamma For Daily Life Day07: 8-12-2006 (afternoon)
13: Abhidhamma For Daily Life Day07: 8-12-2006 (evening)
****dhamma talks uploaded and published on 15 Nov2009****
Course in Applied Abhidhamma
Lecturer No(1) 13-1-2007
Lecturer No(2) 14-1-2007
Lecturer No(3) 15-1-2007
Lecturer No(4) 4-2-2007
Lecturer No(5) 11-2-2007
Lecturer No(6) 18-2-2007
Lecturer No(7) 25-2-2007
Lecturer No(8) 4-3-2007
Lecturer No(9) -2-2007
Lecturer No(10) 25-3-2007
Lecturer No(11) 25-3-2007
Lecturer No() -2-2007
Lecturer No() -2-2007
Lecturer No() -2-2007
Abhidhamma at Kuala Kubu Baru 2008 October
Dear all friends in the Dhamma,
This is a very interesting Dhamma talks for meditators. Why Abhidhamma knowledge is so important for a meditator, although it is not necessary to have Abhidhamma knowledge for meditation. But it is better to have.
May you be well and happy.
Fundamental Abhidhamma at Kuala Kubu Baru (KKB), 2008 October.
(2nd Year – Part 2)
Dhamma Talk by Sayādaw Dr.Nandamālābhivaṃsa
Day 1
01a Opening Speech.mp3 – Opening Speech
01b Introduction.mp3 – Why must study Abhidhamma; Samatha & Vipassanā
01c Introduction.mp3 – Concept & Realities
01d Introduction.mp3 – Concept & Realities (cont)
Day 2
02a Concept and Reality.mp3 – Vipassanā and its objects Ultimate Realities
02b Concept and Reality.mp3 – Learning is important; Citta
02c Concept and Reality.mp3 – Impermanence of phenomena; Mental Process in brief
Day 3
03a Cittavitthi.mp3 – Way to know yourself
03b Cittavitthi.mp3 – Way to know yourself (cont)
03c Cittavitthi.mp3 – Contemplation of the Mind (Cittānupassanā)
03d Cittavitthi.mp3 – Thought Process
Foundations of Mindfulness(Satipaṭṭhāna)
Contemplation of the Mind/Consciousness (Cittānupassanā)
* lust (sarāgaṃ) or without lust (vītarāgaṃ)
* hate (sadosaṃ) or without hate (vītadosaṃ)
* delusion (samohaṃ) or without delusion (vītamohaṃ)
* contracted (saṅkhittaṃ) or scattered (vikkhittaṃ)
* lofty (mahaggataṃ) or not lofty (amahaggataṃ)
* surpassable (sa-uttaraṃ) or unsurpassed (anuttaraṃ)
* quieted (samāhitaṃ) or not quieted (asamāhitaṃ)
* released (vimuttaṃ) or not released (avimuttaṃ)
Day 4
04a Akusala Cetasika.mp3 – Four Noble Truth; Ignorance
04b Akusala Cetasika.mp3 – Ignorance (cont)
04c Akusala Cetasika.mp3 – 3 ways to obtain Wisdom; Shamelessness; Fearlessness
04d Akusala Cetasika.mp3 – Restlessness; Greed
Day 5
05a Sila and Ditthi.mp3 – Sīla, 5 Precepts
05b Sila and Ditthi.mp3 – Sīla (cont); Wrong View (Diṭṭhi)
05c Sila and Ditthi.mp3 – Wrong View (Diṭṭhi)(cont)
05d Sila and Ditthi.mp3 – Wrong View (Diṭṭhi)(cont)
Day 6
06a Ditthi.mp3 – The three serious Wrong Views (Micchādiṭṭhi), View of Causeless (Ahetukadiṭṭhi), View of the inefficacy of action (Akiriyadiṭṭhi), View of non-existence of result of Kamma (Natthikadiṭṭhi); The three serious Wrong Views can be removed by Right View of All beings are the heirs of their own kamma (Kammasakatā-sammādiṭṭhi)
06b Ditthi.mp3 – View of self (Attadiṭṭhi); Eternalism view (Sassata); Anihilism view (Uccheda); These three wrong views can be temporary removed by Vipassanā-sammādiṭṭhi, and completely removed by Sotāpatti-Magga-sammādiṭṭhi
06c Ditthi.mp3 – Personality View (Sakkāyadiṭṭhi)
06d Ditthi.mp3 – Wrong View & Right View
The Manual of Right Views (Sammaditthi Dipani) – by Mahāthera Ledi Sayādaw, Aggamahapandita, D.Litt.
Five kinds of sammaditthi:
- Kammassakatā-sammādiṭṭhi (right view that beings are the owners of their own kamma).
- Nāma-rūpa-pariggaha-sammādiṭṭhi (right view arising from full comprehension of the characteristics of the physical and mental phenomena of existence).
- Hetu-paccaya-pariggaha-sammādiṭṭhi (right view arising from full comprehension of the root cause and other causes ‘Of the physical and mental phenomena of existence.
- Vipassanā-āṇa-sammādiṭṭhi (right view arising from perception with insight-wisdom),
- Lokuttara-magga-phala-sammādiṭṭhi (right view arising from the attainment of holy paths and fruitions thereof).
Note: For those who has downloaded the files before the date 23 Nov 2008, please re-download the “Day 7” , “Day 8” , and all the “Question & Answer” files, I have fixed the file format problem. Sorry for any inconvenience cause to you. Thanks.
Day 7
07a Ditthi and Vipassana.mp3 – Right View that purify Wrong View (Diṭṭhi-visuddhi)
07b Ditthi and Vipassana.mp3 – Right view arising from perception with insight-wisdom (Vipassanā-āṇa-sammādiṭṭhi)
Katamā ca, bhikkhave, sammāsati ?
Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu kāye kāyānupassī viharati ātāpī sampajāno satimā vineyya loke abhijjhādomanassaṃ.
And what, meditators, is right awareness?
Here, a meditator dwells ardently, with constant thorough understanding and right awareness, observing the body in the body, having removed craving and aversion towards this world (of mind and matter).
07c Ditthi and Vipassana.mp3 – By purification of view (diṭṭhi-visuddhi) is meant the understanding, according to reality, of mind and corporeality (nāmarūpa); Analytical knowledge of mind and matter (nāmarūpa-pariccheda-āṇa)
07d Ditthi and Vipassana.mp3 – Knowledge of the cause-and-effect relationship between mental and physical states (paccaya-pariggaha-āṇa); The purification by overcoming doubt (kankhāvitarana-visuddhi)
Day 8
08a Anicca, Dukkha and Anatta.mp3 – mind and matter (nāma-rūpa); āta-pariā
08b Anicca, Dukkha and Anatta.mp3 – āta-pariā; tīrana-pariā
08c Anicca, Dukkha and Anatta.mp3 – tīrana-pariā; pahāna-pariā
08d Anicca, Dukkha and Anatta.mp3 – pahāna-pariā
Accurately understanding: pariā:
* (i) Understanding of the distinction between mind and matter and their features, essential properties, resulting phenomena and proximate causes is accurate understanding of what should be known (āta-pariā).
* (ii) Understanding the true characteristics of mind and matter that they are transient, unsatisfactory and woeful, and lacking in substantiality, is accurate understanding through scrutiny (tīrana-pariā)
* (iii) Abandoning all craving for the five aggregates is accurate understanding through abandonment (pahāna pariā). In this context the abandonment is absolute, i.e., it is by Arahatta Magga.
There are three kinds of pariā (comprehension), namely:
1. āta-pariā (comprehension of the nature of things)
2. tīrana-pariā (comprehension of their characteristics, such as anicca (impermanence), dukkha (suffering), anatta (selfless-ness)
3. pahāna-pariā (comprehension culminating in their complete and final cessation)
Three kinds of parinās-
1. āta-pariā (differentiating knowledge)
2. Tīrana-pariā (analytical knowledge)
3. Pahāna-pariā (dispelling knowledge)
Day 9
09a Closing.mp3 – Closing Ceremony Speech by Dr Wong
09b Closing.mp3 – Dhamma Talk by Sayādaw Dr. Nandamālābhivaṃsa
09c Closing.mp3 – Asking for forgiveness
Question & Answer
10 Q&A 01.mp3 – The objects for Cittānupassanā – Citta & Cetasika
10 Q&A 02.mp3 – What should a yogi do when one meditation object become unclear
10 Q&A 03.mp3 – When there is condition, the latent defilement arises
10 Q&A 04.mp3 – The controversy between Samathayanika & Suddhavipassanayanika
10 Q&A 05.mp3 – Define Dhammānupassanā & Cittānupassanā
10 Q&A 06.mp3 – Does “Pain” concept? How does a yogi meditate on “Pain”?
10 Q&A 07.mp3 – How to contemplate Citta & Cetasika in daily life
10 Q&A 08.mp3 – Cittavitthi
10 Q&A 09.mp3 – How does bhavaṅga citta and its object affect in our life
10 Q&A 10.mp3 – The six sense objects appear so fast in daily life, how does mind take that object?
10 Q&A 11.mp3 – Seeing consciousness and hearing consciousness are not able to arise in the same moment
10 Q&A 12.mp3 – How does kamma be accumulated and past from life to life
11 Q&A 01.mp3 – Words are concept, but some words describe ultimate realities.
11 Q&A 02.mp3 – How to differentiate between “tree” and “visible object”
11 Q&A 03.mp3 – Sloth & Torpor
11 Q&A 04.mp3 – How to overcome the akusala kamma that we have done in the past.
11 Q&A 05.mp3 – The difference between “Vatthu” and “Āyatana”
11 Q&A 06.mp3 – Should a yogi be persuaded to study Abhidhamma to the higher level
11 Q&A 07.mp3 – Learning in the proper time, practice in the proper time
11 Q&A 08.mp3 – Why can’t a yogi able to attain Jhāna
11 Q&A 09.mp3 – from Samatha Meditation to Vipassanā Meditation
11 Q&A 10.mp3 – The duration for sitting and walking meditation
11 Q&A 11.mp3 – Can a yogi practice only Cittānupassanā
11 Q&A 12.mp3 – The sequence of Vipassanā āṇa
11 Q&A 13.mp3 – Does kamma determine all that one sees, hears, etc
11 Q&A 14.mp3 – How does kamma determine the citta that arises in Javana, whether it is wholesome or unwholesome; How does kamma determine the Jhāna citta
11 Q&A 15.mp3 – The experience yogi is able to note the meditation object automatically