Meditation Centres in Myanmar (Burma)
Meditating in Burma
One month tourist visas are now available for Burma (now known as Myanmar). There are five meditation centres in Rangoon (Yangon) that cater very generously for foreign meditators, locally called yogis. They are mostly intensive Insight (Vipassana) Meditation centres in the Mahasi Sayadaw tradition. If you wish to practice for more than a month you will need to arrange a special meditation visa from the meditation centre beforehand. All the centres listed below have an ongoing meditation schedule, so you can go there at any time of the year. If you wish to practice with the main teachers it is best to go there during the ‘Rain’s Retreat’ (Vassa) between July and October.
Meditation System: Intensive Satipatthana Vipassana, as taught by the late Mahasi Sayadaw, emphasises the continuity of moment to moment awareness of all physical and mental phenomena. The primary objects of mindfulness are the physical elements (rising and falling of the abdomen during sitting, or lifting, and placing of the feet during walking); mindfulness of non physical elements (mental states, thoughts, perceptions, etc.) is also cultivated. The sequence of meditative experience involves (1) recognition of the object in the field of awareness (2) the deliberate mental noting of the object; and (3) the observation or experience of the object through its duration. (This too, is the format for reporting during the every-other-day interview with the meditation teacher). With diligent and continuous practice, this formal processing of all our mental and physical experiences leads to progressively deeper insights into the essential characteristics of all things: impermanence, infelicity and unsubstantiality. An alternative schedule of sitting and walking sessions (forty -five minutes to an hour) is scheduled some 13 to 14 hours a day, with two meals before noon. Activities such as speaking, reading, writing and listening to tapes, etc. are squarely discouraged. as impediments in the cultivation of continuous awareness. Usually there is a daily, or occasional, Dhamma Talk by the Abbot known as the Sayadaw.
Facilities: All the listed centres below have excellent facilities for men and women meditators. Some single accommodation is available. Boiled water is supplied. The hygiene is good. If you stay in Rangoon there is no danger of malaria and the centres supply mosquitos net as well as bedding,etc. Food, although oily, is of high quality with a great variety of dishes. Perhaps the only negative is that the Rangoon meditation centres are noisy, although a few have established forest mediation centres on the outskirts of Rangoon. There is no charge for the teachings although a donation or dana for the upkeep of the centres are appreciated.
Climate: The Rainy Season starts at the end of May and last until about October, with an average rainfall of 80 to 120 inches. The cool season (when temperatures drop to about 55° F at night) is from November to February. Hot, dry weather prevails from October to April (when maximum daytime temperatures reach 104° F).
Burmese Meditation Centres:
Dhamma Joti Vipassana Centre
Wingaba Yele Kyaung
Nga HtatGyi Pagoda Road,
Bahan Township, Yangon, Myanmar
Tel: (1) 549 290
Contact: Mr. Banwariji Goenka, Bandoola International Ltd
Office. No. 134, Shwebontha Street, Yangon, Myanmar
Tel: (1) 72467, 248 174, 248 175, Fax: 289 965
299, Bosundat Street, Yangoon, Myanmar
Tel: Res. [95] (01) 524 983; Off. 281 277
Tradition: Sayagi U Ba Khin
Chanmyay Yeiktha Meditation Centre
55A Kaba Aye Pagoda Road
Kaba Aye P.O. Yangon (Rangoon) 11061
Tel: (01) 661479, Fax: 01- 667050
Web site:
Teacher: Ven. Sayadaw U Janaka
Tradition: Vipassana using the Mahasi Sayadaw method
HMAWBI – Chanmyay Yeiktha Meditation Centre
No. 588, No. 3 Block, Hmawbi Township, Yangon, Myanmar
Tel: (01) 620-321
Web site:
Teacher: Ven. Sayadaw U Janaka
Tradition: Vipassana using the Mahasi Sayadaw method
International Theravada Buddhist University
Dhammapala Hill, Mayangone P.O.
Yangon, Myanmar
Tel: 095-1-665673 / 095-1-660171
Fax: 095-1-665728 / 095-1-660789
Mahasi Sasana Yeiktha Meditation Centre
Buddha Sasana Nuggaha Organisation
No 16, Sasana Yeiktha Road, Yangon, 11201Myanmar
Tel: 01 541971, 552501
Fax: 289960, 289961
Web site:
Tradition: Satipatthana Vipassana meditation
Mahavijayaransi Vijjalaya & Mahaatularansi Dhamma Yeiktha
Kya-Swa Chanung (Valley)
Sagasaing Hills, Sagaing Township, Myanmar
Tel: 0011 95 72 21541
Fax: 0011 95 72 22034
Teacher: Ven. Sayadaw U Lakkhana
Tradition: Vipassana using the Mahasi Sayadaw method
Mann Ai Khur Tai Temple
Dhamma Yeiktha Street, Lashio
Northern Shan State, Myanmar
Contacts: Zao Sra Pannavamsa, Zao Gandhama
Tel: 82-23618
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: Moe Kut, Mahasi
Teacher: Sao Gandhama
Panditarama Meditation Centre
80 A, Thanlwin Road
Shwe Gon Dine P.O., Bahan
Yangon, Myanmar (Burma)
Tel: (951) 535448, 705525
Web site:
Teacher: Ven. Sayadaw U Pandita
Tradition: Vipassana using the Mahasi Sayadaw method
Panditarama Forest Meditation Centre(Shwe Taun Gon)
Tel. 0095-1-535448 and 0095-1-705525
Shwe Taun Gon Forest Meditation Center is about an hour by
road from Yangon; specifically for Westerners. The kutis (cabins)
are spacious and there is a large two-story meditation hall.
(for men and women)
Pak Auk Forest Monastery
c/- Major U Khan Sain (Rtd)
653 Lower Main Road
Mawlamyine, Mon State, Myanmar
Tel: 032 22132
Web site:
Teacher:Ven. Pa Auk Sayadaw
Rangoon Contact:
U Thet Tin
30 Myananda Lane
Kyank Grove Quarter
Yankin Township, Yangon
Method: Pak Auk method of meditation
Saddhamma Ransi Meditation Centre
7 Zeyar Khemar Road,
Mayangone 7SHP. Yangon, Myanmar
Teacher: Ven. Sayadaw U Kundala
Tradition: Vipassana / Mahasi Sayadaw method
Shwe Oo Min Dhamma Sukha Yeiktha
‘The International Centre‘
Aung Myay Thar Yar Road
Gone Tala Poung village
Mingaladon township
Yangon, Myanmar
Tel. +95-1- 636402.
Tradition: Cittanupassana Vipassana Meditation Method
Teacher: Ven. Sayadaw U Tejaniya
Shwe Oo Min Dhamma Thukha Yeikta
The ‘Burmese Centre’
North Okkalapa, Yangon
Tel: 664807
Tradition: Cittanupassana Vipassana Meditation
Nguồn: Voice Of Dhamma For Happy Life