Division Ii –– Nidāna Book 16 –– Lābhasakkāra Saṃyutta Chapter 2 –– Pātivaggo (dutiyo) Vagga

Sutta Pitaka
Saṃyutta Nikāya
Division II –– Nidāna
Book 16 –– Lābhasakkāra Saṃyutta
Chapter 2 –– Pātivaggo (Dutiyo) Vagga

Namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammā sambuddhassa


16. 2. 1.

(11) Pāti I –– A Bowl I

1. I heard thus. At one time the Blessed One was living in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s grove in Sāvatthi.

2. The Blessed One addressed the monks from there. “Monks, gain, honor, and fame are severe, cruel and dangerous for him who wants to end unpleasantness.

3. “Monks, cognizing a certain person’s mind I know, this venerable one will not tell a lie with awareness even to gain a golden bowl filled with rupees.

4. “In the meantime I see him with a mind consumed and overcome by gain, honor, and fame, telling lies with awareness.

5. “Monks, gain, honor, and fame are severe and cruel and a danger for him who wants to end unpleasantness.

6. “Therefore, monks, you should train thus: ‘We will get rid of arisen gain, honor and fame. Arisen gain, honor, and fame will not take control of our minds.’ Monks, you should train in this manner.”


16. 2. 2.

(12) Pāti II –– A Bowl II

1. I heard thus. At one time the Blessed One was living in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s grove in Sāvatthi.

2. The Blessed One addressed the monks from there. “Monks, gain, honor, and fame are severe, cruel and dangerous for him who wants to end unpleasantness.

3. “Monks, cognizing a certain person’s mind I know, this venerable one will not tell a lie with awareness even to gain a decorated bowl filled with gold.

4. “In the meantime I see him with a mind consumed and overcome by gain, honor and fame, telling lies with awareness.

5. “Monks, gain, honor, and fame are severe, cruel and dangerous for him who wants to end unpleasantness.

6. “Therefore monks, you should train thus: ‘We will get rid of arisen gain, honor and fame. Arisen gain, honor, and fame will not take control of our minds.’ Monks, you should train in this manner.”


16. 2. 3.

(13) Suvaṇṇanikkha Janapadakalyāṇī –– A State Beauty Completed in Gold

1. I heard thus. At one time the Blessed One was living in the monastery offered by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jeta’s grove in Sāvatthi.

2. The Blessed One addressed the monks from there. “Monks, gain, honor, and fame are severe, cruel and dangerous for him who wants to end unpleasantness.

3. “Monks, cognizing a certain person’s mind I know, this venerable one will not tell a lie with awareness for the reason of a state beauty completed in gold. … re …


16. 2. 4.

(14) Suvaṇṇanikkhasata –– One Hundred Completed in Gold

… re … for the reason of one hundred completed in gold. … re …


16. 2. 5

5. (15) Siṅgīnikkha –– A Dainty Completed in Gold

… re … for the reason of a dainty completed in gold. … re …


16. 2. 6.

(16) Siṅgīnikkhasata –– One Hundred Dainties …

… re … for the reason of one hundred dainties completed in gold. … re …


16. 2. 7

7. (17) Paṭhavi –– Covering the Earth

… re … for the reason of covering the earth with gold and silver. … re …


16. 2. 8.

(18) Kiñcikkha –– A Trifle

… re … for some trifling material gain. … re …


16. 2. 9.

(19) Jīvita –– Life-span

… re … for the reason of protecting life. … re …


16. 2. 10.

(20) Janapadakalyāṇi –– A State Beauty (The Most Beautiful Girl in the Country)

… re … for the reason of a state beauty.

4. “In the meantime I see him with a mind consumed and overcome by gain, honor and fame, telling lies with awareness.

5. “Monks, gain, honor, and fame are severe and cruel and a danger for him who wants to end unpleasantness.

6. “Therefore, monks, you should train thus: ‘We will get rid of arisen gain, honor and fame. Arisen gain, honor, and fame will not take control of our minds.’ Monks, you should train in this manner.”

* Pāli: Source from SLTP; English: Main Translation by Sister Upalavanna

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