
The Way of the Bodhisattva

By Shantideva

The mission of the Asian Classics Input Project is to save the disappearing books containing the great ideas of the Eastern half of humanity and then make these books and ideas accessible to the world at large. 

Our mission is carried out in several steps. tfirst we search the globe for the remaining collections of books and record their location and contents in catalog form. Next we copy the books and send these copies to be input onto computer media at data entry centers that we have established around the world. 

Almost all of these data entry centers are staffed by people who come from the countries where these great books were written and printed. Many are refugees, or living in countries where economic or political problems endanger their great books, and even the right to read and study them. The Project thus helps not only to preserve these rich cultural traditions, but provides many people with an opportunity to learn new skills for support- ing themselves, while helping to save the great books of their heritage.

ACIP then makes these books and the important ideas they contain freely available to the world, especially to those people in the West who have not yet been exposed to them. Over the past ten years ACIP has released tens of thousands of pages of great books, on tens of thousands of computer disks and through the World Wide Web, completely free or for only the cost of materials and postage, to thousands of users in more than 50 countries.

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