ABHIDHAMMA IN DAILY LIFE The Principle of Physical and Mental Processes
Ashin Janakabhivamsa
Translated by Professor Ko Lay
Samsara – The continues cycle of birth and rebirth is defined in Abhidhama as – The continuous coming into existence of consciousness (citta), and mental factors (cetasikas)
together with matter (rupa) in succession is called samsara in the ultimate sense.
Sentient being – Human, Devas, and Brahmas?
Nama – the mind – is a collection of Consciousness (citta) and mental factors (cetasikas).
Rupa – is the material elements
Existence – The successive coming into existence of this nama and rupa, in combination is normally called human being, deva, brahma, or person, being, I, he, she, man, woman, etc. In
the ultimate truth sense, the humans, devas, brahmas, or other beings are just a collection of nama and rupa.
What brings Nama and Rupa Into Existence? Nama and rupa come into successive continuum of existence because of external objects and past kamma. The primary driving force is the
internal (mind). To shape a good future existence (Nama and Rupa), it is critical to cultivate a good mind.
Attitude (Yoniso Manasikara) A Good Mind will produce a good future existence…
Abridged Version
The intent of the abridged version is to present the essence of the Dhamma in full English translation to enable the readers for ease of comprehending the essence of the Buddha teaching
as intended by the original author, Ashin U Janakabhivamsa.
Maung Paw
California, USA