The ascetic Gotama went to two well-known teachers to seek a way to defeat death. They were Alaara Kalaama and Uddaka Raamaputta. Very soon the ascetic Gotama had mastered all the knowledge of His teachers. However, neither of them could teach Him the way to end the cycle of birth and death.

The ascetic Gotama left the two teachers and was joined by five of His friends who were also searching for the truth. They were Kondanna, Bhaddiya, Vappa, Mahaanaama and Assaji. Together the friends gave up sensual gratification and tried to find the truth through self- mortification. At this time in India it was thought that the way to purify one’s mind was through self-mortification. That is, by giving up eating, drinking and even breathing.

The ascetic Gotama tried all of this. His body wasted away due to lack of food. His beautiful golden skin became darkened and withered. His hair fell out for lack of nourishment. He had by now reduced the amount of food He ate to one mustard seed per day. He was so weak He could hardly move. The Devas said, “Surely the ascetic Gotama has passed away.”

The ascetic Gotama realised that He would not reach His goal through self-mortification. Slowly, He started to take nourishment again. He decided to follow the middle path: to avoid the luxuries He had as a prince and also to avoid the extreme sacrifice of His body. His five friends left Him, thinking that the ascetic Gotama had given up His holy life and search for the Truth.


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