Aṅguttara Nikāya
22. Parisāvaggo –– Gatherings

1. Parisāsuttaṃ –– Gatherings

022.01. Bhikkhus, these four are corruptions of gatherings. What four?

Here, bhikkhus an unvirtuous bhikkhu is a corruption for a gathering, an unvirtuous bhikkhuni is a corruption for a gathering, an unvirtuous male lay disciple is a corruption for a gathering and an unvirtuous female lay disciple is a corruption for a gathering.

Bhikkhus, these four are the corruptions of gatherings.

Bhikkhus, these four are adornments of gatherings. What four?

Here, bhikkhus a virtuous bhikkhu is an adornment for a gathering, a virtuous bhikkhuni is an adornment for a gathering, a virtuous male lay disciple is an adornment for a gathering and a virtuous female lay disciple is an adornment for a gathering.

Bhikkhus, these four are the adornments of gatherings.

2. Diṭṭhisuttaṃ –– Wrong view

022.02. Bhikkhus, endowed with four things one is in hell as though led and lain there. What four?

Bodily misconduct, verbal misconduct, mental misconduct and wrong view.

Bhikkhus, endowed with these four things one is in hell as though led and lain there.

Bhikkhus, endowed with four things one is in heaven as though led and lain there. What four?

Bodily right conduct, verbal right conduct, mental right conduct and right view.

Bhikkhus, endowed with these four things one is in heaven as though led and lain there.

3. Akataññusuttaṃ –– Ungratefulness

022.03. Bhikkhus, endowed with four things one is in hell as though led and lain there. What four?

Bodily misconduct, verbal misconduct, mental misconduct and ungratefulness.

Bhikkhus, endowed with these four things one is in hell as though led and lain there.

Bhikkhus, endowed with four things one is in heaven as though led and lain there. What four?

Bodily right conduct, verbal right conduct, mental right conduct and gratefulness.

Bhikkhus, endowed with these four things one is in heaven as though led and lain there.

4. Pānātipātisuttaṃ –– Destroying living things

022.04. Bhikkhus, endowed with four things one is in hell as though led and lain there. What four?

Destroying the life of living things, taking the not given, misbehaving in sexual conduct and telling lies.

Bhikkhus, endowed with these four things one is in hell as though led and lain there.

Bhikkhus, endowed with four things one is in heaven as though led and lain there. What four?

Abstaining from, destroying the life of living things, taking the not given, misbehaving in sexual conduct and telling lies.

Bhikkhus, endowed with these four things one is in heaven as though led and lain there.

5. Paṭhamamaggasuttaṃ –– F.

Abstaining from, destroying the life of living things, taking the not given, misbehaving in sexual conduct and telling lies.

Bhikkhus, endowed with these four things one is in heaven as tho//i h”>5. ia”rd r

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* Pāli: Source from SLTP; English: Main Translation by Sister Upalavanna

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