– N –

na : [ind.] (negative particle), no; not.

na upeti : it is not befitting.

na eva : [ind.] indeed not.

na kadāci : [ind.] never.

na kvaci : [ind.] nowhere.

na cirassaṃ : [adv.] shortly; before long.

nakula : [m.] a mongoose.

nakka : [m.] a turtle.

nakkhatta : [nt.] a constellation; star; celebration.

nakkhattakīḷana : [nt.] a festival celebrated at.

nakkhattakīḷā : [f.] a festival celebrated at.

nakkhattapāṭhaka : [m.] an astrologer.

nakkhattayoga : [m.] conjunction of the planets; horoscope.

nakkhattarāja : [m.] the moon.

nakha : [m.; nt.] nail (of finger or toe); a claw.

nakhapañjara : [m.] claw.

nakhī : [adj.] having claws.

naga : [m.] mountain. || nāga (m.), a cobra, an elephant; the iron-wood tree; a noble person.

nagantara : [nt.] space between mountains.

nagara : [nt.] town; a citadel. || nāgara (adj. & n.), belonging to a city; urbane; polite; a citizen.

nagaraguttika : [m.] mayor.

nagaravara : [nt.] a noble city.

nagaravāsī : [m.] a citizen.

nagarasodhaka : [m.] a town-cleaner.

nagarasobhinī : [f.] the city-belle; town courtesan.

nagga : [adj.] naked; nude.

naggacariyā : [f.] nudity.

naggasamaṇa : [m.] a naked ascetic.

naggiya : [nt.] nudity.

naṅgala : [nt.] a plough.

naṅgalaphāla : [m.] ploughshare.

naṅgalīsā : [f.] the beam of a plough.

naṅguṭṭha : [nt.] tail.

nacca : [nt.] dancing; a play.

naccaka : [m.] dancer, actor.

naccaṭṭhāna : [nt.] a theatre; dancing place.

naccati : [naṭ + ya] dances; performs as a dramatist.

naccana : [ger. of naccati] dancing; performing as a dramatist.

naccanta : [pr.p. of naccati] dancing; perfoming as a dramatist

nacci : [aor. of naccati] danced; performed as a dramatist.

naccitvā : [abs. of naccati] having danced; having performed as a dramatist.

naṭaka : [m.] dancer; actor.

naṭṭha : [pp. of nassati] lost; perished; disappeared.

nata : [pp. of namati] bent; stooped; inclined. || natā (pp. of namati), bent; bowed down. naṭa (m.), dancer; actor.

nati : [f.] bending; inclination; bowing down.

natta : [nt.] a dance; a play. || naṭṭa (nt.), a dance; a play.

nattaka : [m.] dancer; actor. || naṭṭaka (m.), dancer; actor.

nattana : [nt.] a dance; a play.

nattamāla : [m.] the tree Pongamia Glabrā.

nattu : [m.] grand-son.

natthi : [na + atthi] no; not; not present.

natthikadiṭṭhi : hililistic view.

natthikavādī : [m.] one who professes a nihilistic view.

natthitā : [f.] absence.

natthibhāva : [m.] absence.

natthu : [f.] the nose.

natthukamma : [nt.] nose-treatment,consisting application of oil, etc.

nadati : [nad + a] roars; makes a noise.

nadana : [nt.] roaring.

nadantā : [pr.p. of nadati] roaring; making a noise.

nadi : [aor. of nadati] roared; made a noise. || nadī (f.), river.

nadita : [pp. of nadati] roared; made a noise.

naditvā : [abs. of nadati] having roared; having a noise.

nadīkūla : [nt.] river-bank.

nadīdugga : [nt.] a place in accessible because of a rivers.

nadīmukha : [nt.] mouth of a river.

naddha : [pp. of nandhati] tied; wrapped; twisted with. || naddhā (pp. of nayhati), tied; bound; wrapped; twisted.

naddhi : [f.] a thong.

nanandā : [f.] husband’s sister.

nanu : [ind.] (particle of affirmation) is it not? Certain; surely

nanda : [adj.] rejoicing.

nandaka : [adj.] rejoicing.

nandati : [nand + a] is glad; rejoices; finds delight in.

nandana : [nt.] rejoicing; name of a garden in Indra’s city. || nandanā (f.), rejoicing.

nandamāna : [pr.p. of nandati] is glad; is rejoice; finding delight in

nandi : [aor. of nandati] was glad; rejoices; found delight in. (f.), pleasure; joy; delight; craving.

nandikkhaya : [m.] consummation of craving.

nandita : [pp. of nandati] was glad; was rejoice; found delight in.

nanditabba : [pt.p. of nandati] should be glad; should be rejoice; should be found delight in

nanditvā : [abs. of nandati] having been glad; having been rejoice; having found delight in

nandirāga : [m.] passionate delight.

nandisaṃyojana : [nt.] the fetter of craving.

nandhati : [nadh + ṃ + a] wraps; twists with; ties.

nandhi : [aor. of nandhati] wrapped; twisted with; tied. (f.), a thong.

nandhitvā : [abs. of nandhati] see vinandhati.

napuṃsaka : [m.] 1. eunuch; 2. the neuter gender.

nabba : [m.] the sky. This takes the form nabho in cpds. e.g., nabhogata = existing in the sky.

nabbāpana : [nt.] cooling; quenching; extinction.

nabhaso : [abl.] from the sky.

namakkāra : [m.] homage; veneration; bowing down.

namati : [nam + a] bends; bows down.

namatthu : [namo + atthu] be homage.

namana : [ger. of namati] (nt.) bending; bowing down.

namanta : [pr.p. of namati] bending; bowing down.

namassati : [namas + a] pays honour; venerates.

namassana : [nt.] veneration; worship. || namassanā (f.), veneration; worship.

namassanta : [pr.p. of namassati] paying honour; venerating.

namassi : [aor. of namassati] paid honour; venerated.

namassita : [pp. of namassati] paid honour; venerated.

namassituṃ : [inf. of namassati] to pay honour; to venerate.

namassitvā : [abs. of namassati] having paid honour; having venerated.

namassiya : [abs. of namassati] having paid honour; having venerated.

nami : [aor. of namati] bent; bowed down.

namitabba : [pt.p. of namati] should be bent; should be bowed down

namitvā : [abs. of namati] having bent; having bowed down. || nāmitvā (pp. of nameti), bent; wielded.

namuci : [m.] the destroyer; the death.

namo : [ind.] be my adoration to.

nammadā : [f.] name of an Indian river.

naya : [m.] method; plan; manner; inference; right conclusion.

nayati : [ni + a] leads; guides; conducts.

nayana : [nt.] the eye. (ger.), carrying.

nayanāvudha : [nayana + āvudha), m.] one whose weapon is the eye, i.e. King Yamā.

nayi : [aor. of nayati] led; guided; conducted. (see neti.)

nayhati : [nah + ya] ties; binds; wraps; twists.

nayhana : [ger. of nayhati] tying; binding; wrapping; twisting.

nayhi : [aor. of nayhati] tied; bound; wrapped; twisted.

nayhitvā : [abs. of nayhati] having tied; having bound; having wrapped; having twisted.

nara : [m.] man; a human being.

naraka : purgatory; the hell.

naraggi : [m.] hell-fire.

naradeva : [m.] a king.

naravīra : [m.] a hero; the buddha.

narasārathī : [m.] trainer of men.

narasīha : [m.] a lion of man; the Buddha.

narādhama : [m.] a wicked or vile man.

narāsabha : [m.] the lord of men.

naruttama : [m.] the lord of men.

nalāṭa : [m.] the forehead.

nalinī : [f.] a lotus pond.

naḷa : [m.] a reed; a tube. || nāḷa (m.), a stalk; tube.

naḷakalāpa : [m.] a bundle of reeds.

naḷakāra : [m.] basket-maker; a worker in reeds.

naḷamīṇa : [m.] a shrimp.

naḷavana : [nt.] forest of reeds.

naḷāgāra : [(naḷa + agāra) nt.] a hut made of reeds.

nava : [adj.] 1. new; 2. nine. || nāvā (f.), ship; boat.

navaka : [m.] a new comer; a young person. (nt.), a group of nine.

navakatara : [adj.] younger.

navakamma : [nt.] new work.

navakammika : [adj.] an expert in building.

navaṅga : [adj.] having nine portions.

navanīta : [nt.] fresh butter.

navama : [adj.] ninth.

navamī : [f.] the ninth day of a lunar month.

navavuti : [f.] ninety-nine.

navuti : [f.] ninety.

nassati : [nas + a] perishes; disappears.

nassana : [nt.] disappearance; loss; destruction.

nassanta : [pr.p. of nassati] perishing; disappearing.

nassi : [aor. of nassati] perished; disappeared.

nassitvā : [abs. of nassati] having perished; having disappeared.

naha : [ind.] surely not.

nahāta : [pp. of nahāyati,] one who has bathed.

nahātaka : [m.] trainer of men.

nahāna : [nt.] bathing; bath.

nahāniya : [nt.] bath-powder or anything useful for a bath.

nahāpaka : [m.] a bath attendant.

nahāpana : [nt.] bathing or washing (someone else).

nahāpita : [m.] barber; hair-dresser. (pp. of nahāpeti), given a bath.

nahāpeti : [nah + āpe] gives a bath.

nahāpetvā : [abs. of nahāpeti] having given a bath.

nahāpenta : [pr.p. of nahāpeti] giving a bath.

nahāpesi : [aor. of nahāpeti] gave a bath.

nahāyati : [nhā + ya] takes a bath.

nahāyana : [ger. of nahāyati] (nt.) taking a bath.

nahāyanta : [pr.p. of nahāyati] taking a bath.

nahāyi : [aor. of nahāyati] took a bath.

nahāyituṃ : [inf. of nahāyati] to take a bath.

nahāyitvā : [abs. of nahāyati] having taken a bath.

nahāru : [m.] a sinew; a tendon.

nahuta : [nt.] ten thousand, (10.000); a myriad.

nāka : [m.] the heaven.

nāgataka : [nt.] an ivory peg; a peg on a wall.

nāgadanta : [nt.] an ivory peg; a peg on a wall.

nāgabala : [adj.] having the strength of an elephant. || nāgabalā (f.), a kind of creeping plant.

nāgabhavana : [nt.] the region of the nāgas.

nāgamāṇavaka : [m.] a young man of the Nāga race.

nāgamāṇavikā : [f.] a Nāga maiden.

nāgarāja : [m.] king of the Nāgas.

nāgarika : [adj. & n.] belonging to a city; urbane; polite; a citizen.

nāgarukkha : [m.] the iron-wood tree.

nāgalatā : [f.] the betel creeper.

nāgaloka : [m.] the Nāga-world.

nāgavana : [nt.] an iron-wood grove or a forest where there are elephants.

nāṭika : [nt.] a drama. || nāṭikā (f.), a dancing girl.

nātakiṭṭhī : [f.] a dancing girl.

nātha : [m.] protection; protector.

nāda : [m.] roar; sound.

nānatā : [f.] diversity; variety; manifoldness.

nānatta : [nt.] diversity; variety; manifoldness.

nānattakāya : [adj.] having a variety of bodily states.

nānappakāra : [adj.] of many kinds.

nānappakārehi : in various ways.

nānā : [ind.] different; differently.

nānākaraṇa : [nt.] diversity; difference.

nānāgotta : [adj.] of many kinds of descent.

nānājacca : [adj.] of many nations.

nānājana : [m.] many kinds of folk.

nānātitthiya : [adj.] of various religions.

nānāpakāra : [adj.] various; manifold.

nānābhāva : [m.] separation.

nānāratta : [adj.] of various colours.

nānāvāda : [adj. & n.] having different views; the different views.

nānāvidha : [adj.] various; divers.

nānāvihita : [adj.] various.

nānāsaṃvāsaka : [adj.] living in different parties.

nābhi : [f.] the naval; the nave of a wheel.

nāma : [nt.] name; the immaterial factors such as consciousness, perception. (adj.), (in cpds.) having the name of.

nāmaka : [adj.] (in cpds.), by name.

nāmakaraṇa : [nt.] naming.

nāmagahaṇa : [nt.] receiving a name.

nāmagotta : [nt.] name and clan.

nāmato : [ind.] by name.

nāmadheya : [nt.] name. (adj.), having the name

nāmadheyya : [nt.] name. (adj.), having the name

nāmapada : [nt.] a noun.

nāmita : [pp. of nāmeti] bent; wielded.

nāmeti : [caus. of namati,] bends; wields.

nāmetvā : [abs. of nameti] having bent; having wielded.

nāmesi : [aor. of nameti] bent; wielded.

nāyaka : [m.] leader; master.

nāyikā : [f.] a female leader; mistress.

nāraṅga : [m.] the mandarin orange tree.

nārāca : [m.] an iron bar.

nārī : [f.] a woman.

nālaṃ : [(na + alaṃ), ind.] not enough; unsuitable.

nāḷi : [f.] a measure of capacity; a tube.

nāḷikā : [f.] a tube; a bottle.

nāḷikāyanta : [nt.] a clock; an instrument to measure time.

nāḷikera : [m.] the coconut tree. (nt.), coconut.

nāḷipeṭṭa : [m.] a cap; hat.

nāḷimatta : [adj.] about a measure.

nāvātittha : [nt.] a harbour; ferry.

nāvāsañcāra : [m.] the traffic of boats.

nāvika : [m.] a sailor.

nāvikī : [f.] a woman sailor.

nāvutika : [adj.] ninety years old.

nāsa : [m.] ruin; destruction; death. || nāsā (f.), the nose.

nāsana : [nt.] killing; destruction; expulsion.

nāsārajju : [f.] a nose-rope (to curb an ox, etc.).

nāsikā : [f.] the nose.

nāsita : [pp. of nāseti] killed; ruined; destroyed; expeled.

nāsetabba : [pt.p. of nāseti] should be killed; should be ruined; should be destroyed; should be expeled.

nāseti : [nas + e] kills; ruins; destroys; expels.

nāsetva : [abs. of nāseti] having killed; having ruined; having destroyed; having expeled.

nāsenta : [pr.p. of nāmeti] killing; ruining; destroying.

nāsesi : [aor. of nāseti] killed; ruined; destroyed; expeled.

nikaṭa : [nt.] neighbourhood; (adj.), near.

nikaṭṭha : [nt.] neighbourhood; (adj.), near.

nikati : [f.] fraud; cheating.

nikanta : [pp. of nikantati] cut down; cut off.

nikantati : [ni + kant + a] cuts down; cuts off.

nikanti : [aor. of nikantati] cut down; cut off.

nikantita : [pp. of nikantati] cut down; cut off.

nikantitvā : [abs. of nikantati] having cut down; having cut off.

nikara : [m.] multitude.

nikasa : [m.] whetstone. || nikāsa (m.), neighbourhood.

nikāmanā : [f.] desire.

nikāmalābhī : [adj.] one who has obtained something without difficulty.

nikāmitvā : [pp. of nakāmeti] craved; desired.

nikāmeti : [ni + kam + e] craves; desires.

nikāmenta : [pr.p. of nakāmeti] craving; desiring.

nikāmesi : [aor. of nakāmeti] craved; desired.

nikāya : [m.] a group; sect; a collection.

nikiṭṭha : [adj.] low; vile.

nikuñja : [m.; nt.] a glen; a thicket.

nikūjati : [ni + kūj + a] chirps; warbles.

nikūjamāna : [pr.p. of nikūjati] chirping; warbling.

nikūji : [aor. of nikūjati] chirped; warbled.

nikūjita : [pp. of nikūjati] chirped; warbled.

niketa : [nt.] abode; home.

niketana : [nt.] abode; home.

nikkaṅkha : [adj.] confident; doubtless.

nikkaḍḍhati : [ni + kaḍḍh + a] throws or drags out; expels.

nikkaḍḍhana : [nt.] dragging out; expulsion.

nikkaḍḍhi : [aor. of nikkaḍḍhati] threw or dragged out; expeled.

nikkaḍḍhita : [pp. of nikkaḍḍhati] thrown or dragged out; expeled.

nikkaḍḍhitabba : [pt.p. of nikkaḍḍhati] should be thrown or dragged out; should be expeled.

nikkaḍḍhitvā : [abs. of nikkaḍḍhati] having thrown or dragged out; having expeled.

nikkaḍḍhiya : [abs. of nikkaḍḍhati] having thrown or dragged out; having expeled.

nikkaṇṭaka : [adj.] free from thorns or enemies.

nikkaddama : [adj.] free from mud.

nikkaruṇa : [adj.] merciless, heartless.

nikkasāva : [adj.] free from impurity.

nikkāma : [adj.] without craving or lust. || nikkāma

nikkāraṇa : [adj.] groundless; causeless. || nikkāraṇā (adv.), without reason, cause or purpose.

nikkilesa : [adj.] free from depravity; unstained.

nikkujja : [adj.] upset; thrown over.

nikkujjita : [pp. of nikkujjeti] turned upside down.

nikkujjiya : [abs. of nikkujjeti] having turned upside down.

nikkujjeti : [ni + kuj + e] turns upside down.

nikkujjetvā : [abs. of nikkujjeti] having turned upside down.

nikkujjesi : [aor. of nikkujjeti] turned upside down.

nikkuha : [adj.] not deceitful.

nikkodha : [adj.] free from anger.

nikkha : [m.] a big gold coin; a weight equal to 25 dharaṇas.

nikkhanta : [pp. of nikkhamati,] gone out; departed from.

nikkhama : [m.] going out; departure.

nikkhamati : [ni + kam + a] goes out; goes forth from; leaves the household life.

nikkhamana : [nt.] going out; departure.

nikkhamanīya : [m.] name of a month; July-August.

nikkhamanokāsa : [m.] room for getting out.

nikkhamanta : [pr.p. of nikkhamati] going out; going forth from; leavine the household life.

nikkhamanvelā : [f.] time of going out.

nikkhami : [aor. of nikkhamati] went out; went forth from; left the household life.

nikkhamitabbha : [pt.p. of nikkhamati] should be gone out; should be gone forth from; should be left the household life.

nikkhamituṃ : [inf. of nikkhamati] to go out; to go forth from; to leave the household life.

nikkhamitvā : [abs. of nikkhamati] having gone out; having gone forth from; having left the household life.

nikkhamma : [abs. of nikkhamati] having gone out; having gone forth from; having left the household life.

nikkhāmeti : [caus. of nikkhamati,] causes to make to go out; causes to bring forth or out.

nikkhāmetvā : [abs. of nikkhamati,] having caused to make to go out; having caused to bring forth or out.

nikkhāmenta : [pr.p. of nikkhāmeti] causing to make to go out; causing to bring forth or out.

nikkhāmesi : [aor. of nikkhamati,] caused to make to go out; caused to bring forth or out.

nikkhitta : [pp. of nikkhipati] laid down or aside; put down; given up.

nikkhipati : [ni + khip + a] lays down or aside; puts down; gives up.

nikkhipanta : [pr.p. of nikkhipati] laying down or aside; puting down; giving up.

nikkhipi : [aor. of nikkhipati] laid down or aside; put down; gave up.

nikkhipitabba : [pt.p. of nikkhipati] should be laid down or aside; should be put down; should be given up.

nikkhipitvā : [abs. of nikkhipati] having laid down or aside; having put down; having given up.

nikkhepa : [m.] putting down; casting off; discarding; summary treatment.

nikkhepana : [nt.] putting down; casting off; discarding; summary treatment.

niknatitvā : [abs. of nikantati] having cut down; having cut off.

nikhaṇati : [ni + khan + a] digs into; buries.

nikhaṇanta : [pr.p. of nikhaṇati] digging into; burying.

nikhaṇi : [aor. of nikhaṇati] dug into; buried.

nikhaṇitvā : [abs. of nikhaṇati] having dug into; having buried.

nikhāta : [pp. of nikhaṇati] dug into; buried.

nikhādana : [nt.] a chisel.

nikhila : [adj.] all; entire; whole.

nikhilavijjālaya : [m.] university.

nigacchati : [ni + gam + a] undergoes; comes to.

nigacchi : [aor. of nigacchati] underwent; came to.

nigaṇṭha : [m.] a member of the Jain Order. Naked ascetic.

nigama : [m.] a market town.

nigamana : [nt.] conclusion; explanation.

nigaḷa : [m.] a chain for the feet of an elephant.

nigūḷha : [pp. of nigūhati] covered up; concealed; hidden.

nigūhati : [ni + gūh + a] covers up; conceals; hides.

nigūhana : [nt.] concealment.

nigūhi : [aor. of nigūhati] covered up; concealed; hid.

nigūhita : [pp. of nigūhati] covered up; concealed; hidden.

nigūhitvā : [abs. of nigūhati] having covered up; having concealed; having hidden.

niggacchati : [ni + gam + a] goes out; proceeds from.

niggacchi : [aor. of niggacchati] went out; proceeded from.

niggaṇhaṇa : [nt.] reproach; punishment.

niggaṇhanta : [pr.p. of niggaṇhāti] rebuking; censuring; restraining.

niggaṇhāti : [ni + gah + ṇhā] rebukes; censures; restrains.

niggaṇhi : [aor. of niggaṇhāti] rebuked; censured; restrained.

niggaṇhitvā : [abs. of niggaṇhāti] having rebuked; having censured; having restrained.

niggata : [pp. of niggacchati] gone out; proceeded from.

niggantvā : [abs. of niggacchati] having gone out; having proceeded from.

niggama : [m.] going out; departure; outcome.

niggamana : [nt.] going out; departure; outcome.

niggayha : [abs. of niggaṇhāti] having rebuked; having censured; having restrained.

niggayhavādī : [m.] one who speaks reprovingly.

niggaha : [m.] censure; blame; reproach.

niggahita : [pp. of niggaṇhāti] rebuked; censured; restrained. || niggahīta (nt.) the nasal consonant ‘ṃ’.

niggahetabba : [pt.p.] fit to be reproved or checked.

niggāhaka : [m.] one who rebukes or restrains.

nigguṇḍī : [f.] a medicinal shrub.

niggumba : [adj.] free from bushes; clear.

nigghātana : [nt.] killing; destruction.

nigghosa : [m.] shouting.

nigrodha : [m.] the banyan tree.

nigrodhapakka : [nt.] the ripe fruit of the banyan.

nigrodhaparimaṇḍala : [adj.] having proportionate limbs like the circumference of a banyan tree.

nighaṃsa : [m.] rubbing against; chafing.

nighaṃsati : [ni + ghaṃs +a] rubs; chafes; erases.

nighaṃsana : [nt.] rubbing against; chafing.

nighaṃsi : [aor. of nighaṃsati] rubbed; chafed; erased.

nighaṃsita : [pp. of nighaṃsati] rubbed; chafed; erased.

nighaṃsitvā : [abs. of nighaṃsati] having rubbed; having chafed; having erased.

nighaṇḍu : [n.] a dictionary of synonyms.

nighāta : [m.] striking down; destroying.

nicaya : [m.] accumulation; heaping up.

nicita : [pp. of nicināti] accumulated.

nicca : [adj.] constant; continuous; permanent.

niccaṃ : [adv.] constantly; always; perpetually.

niccakālaṃ : [adv.] always; constantly.

niccatā : [f.] continuity; permanence.

niccadāna : [nt.] perpetual gift.

niccabhatta : [nt.] a continuous food-supply.

niccamma : [adj.] skinless; flogged off.

niccala : [adj.] motionless.

niccasīla : [nt.] uninterrupted observance of virtue.

niccola : [adj.] clotheless; naked.

nicchaya : [m.] resolution; determination; discrimination.

niccharaṇa : [nt.] emanation; sending out.

niccharati : [ni + car + a] goes out or forth from; emanates.

niccharanta : [pr.p.] flashing out.

nicchari : [aor. of niccharati] went out or forth from; emanated.

niccharita : [pp. of niccharati] gone out or forth from; emanated. || nicchārita (pp. of nicchāreti), emited; sent out; spoken.

niccharitvā : [abs. of niccharati] having gone out or forth from; having emanated.

nicchāta : [adj.] having no hunger; satisfied.

nicchāreti : [caus. of niccharati] causes to emit; causes to send out; causes to speak.

nicchāretvā : [abs. of nicchāreti] having caused to emit; having caused to send out; having caused to speak.

nicchāresi : [aor. of nicchāreti] caused to emit; caused to send out; caused to speak.

nicchita : [pp. of nicchināti] discriminated; considered; investigated.

nicchināti : [ni + chi + nā] discriminates; considers; investigates.

nicchini : [aor. of nicchināti] discriminated; considered; investigated.

nija : [adj.] one’s own.

nijadesa : [m.] one’s own country.

nijjaṭa : [adj.] disentangled.

nijjara : [adj.] free from old age or decay. (m.), a deity.

nijjareti : [ni + jar + e] destroys; annihilates.

nijjaresi : [aor. of nijjareti] destroyed; annihilated.

nijjiṇṇa : [pp.] exhausted.

nijjivha : [adj.] tongueless; (m.), a jungle cock.

nijjīva : [adj.] lifeless.

nijjhāna : [nt.] insight.

nijjhāyati : [ni + jhā + ya] meditates; frets; reflects.

nijjhāyi : [aor. of nijjhāyati] meditated; freted; reflected.

nijjhāyita : [pp. of nijjhāyati] meditated; freted; reflected.

niṭṭhā : [f.] the end; conclusion; perfection.

niṭṭhāti : [ni + ṭhā + a] is at an end; is finished.

niṭṭhāna : [nt.] completion; ending.

niṭṭhāpita : [pp. of niṭṭhāpeti] caused to accomplish; caused to finish; caused to carry out.

niṭṭhāpeti : [caus. of niṭṭhāti,] causes to accomplish; causes to finish; causes to carry out.

niṭṭhāpetvā : [abs. of niṭṭhāpeti] having caused to accomplish; having caused to finish; having caused to carry out.

niṭṭhāpenta : [pr.p. of niṭṭhāpeti] causing to accomplish; causing to finish; causing to carry out.

niṭṭhāpesi : [aor. of niṭṭhāpeti] cuused to accomplish; caused to finish; caused to carry out.

niṭṭhāsi : [aor. of niṭṭhāti] was at an end; was finished.

niṭṭhita : [pp. of niṭṭhāti] was finished; was completed.

niṭṭhubhati : [ni + ṭhubh + a] spits out; expectorates.

niṭṭhubhana : [nt.] spitting; spittle.

niṭṭhubhi : [aor. of niṭṭhubhati] spat out; expectorated.

niṭṭhubhita : [pp. of niṭṭhubhati] spat out; expectorated.

niṭṭhubhitvā : [abs. of niṭṭhubhati] having spat out; having expectorated.

niṭṭhura : [adj.] rough; hard; cruel.

niṭṭhuriya : [nt.] harshness; roughness.

niḍḍeti : [ni + ḍi + e] weeds.

niḍḍesi : [aor. of niḍḍeti] weeded.

niṇṇaya : [m.] decision; discrimination.

nitamba : [m.] 1. the hip; 2. the ridge of a mountain.

nittaṇṇa : [pp.] got out of; having crossed over.

nittaṇha : [adj.] free from desire.

nittiṇṇa : [pp. of nittharati] got out of; having crossed over.

nittudana : [nt.] pricking; piercing.

nitteja : [adj.] powerless; abashed.

nittharaṇa : [nt.] getting across; traversing; overcoming; finishing.

nittharati : [ni + thar + a] crosses over; gets over.

nitthari : [aor. of nittharati] crossed over; got over.

nittharita : [pp. of nittharati] crossed over; got over. || nitthārita (pp. of nitthāreti), finished; completed.

nittharitvā : [abs. of nittharati] having crossed over; having got over.

nitthāreti : [caus. of nittharati] causes to finish; causes to complete.

nitthāretvā : [abs. of nitthāreti] having caused to finish; having caused to complete.

nitthāresi : [aor. of nitthāreti] caused to finish; caused to complete.

nitthunana : [nt.] a moan; a groan.

nitthunanta : [pr.p. of nitthunāti] moaning; groaning.

nitthunāti : [ni + thu + nā] moans; groans.

nitthuni : [aor. of nitthunāti] moaned; groaned.

nitthunitvā : [abs. of nitthunāti] having moaned; having groaned.

nidassana : [nt.] an example; evidence; comparison.

nidassita : [pp. of nidasseti] pointed out; explained; defined.

nidassitabba : [pt.p. of nidasseti] should be pointed out; should be explained; should be defined.

nidassiya : [abs. of nidasseti] having pointed out; having explained; having defined.

nidasseti : [ni + dis + e] points out; explains; defines.

nidassetvā : [abs. of nidasseti] having pointed out; having explained; having defined.

nidassesi : [aor. of nidasseti] pointed out; explained; defined.

nidahati : [ni + dah + a] deposits; buries some treasure.

nidahi : [aor. of nidahati] deposited; buried some treasure.

nidahita : [pp. of nidahati] deposited; buried some treasure.

nidahitvā : [abs. of nidahati] havig deposited; having buried some treasure.

nidāgha : [m.] drought; heat; summer.

nidāna : [nt.] source; cause; origin.

nidānaṃ : [adv.] (in cpds.), by means of; in consequence of.

nidānakathā : [f.] introduction (to a book).

niddaya : [adj.] merciless; cruel.

niddara : [adj.] free from anguish, pain or fear.

niddā : [f.] sleep. || niḍḍa (nt.), nest; resting place.

niddāyati : [deno. from niddā,] sleeps.

niddāyana : [nt.] sleeping.

niddāyanta : [pr.p. of niddāyati] sleeping.

niddāyi : [aor. of niddāyati] sleft.

niddāyitvā : [abs. of niddāyati] having sleft.

niddārāmatā : [f.] fondness of sleep.

niddālu : [adj.] fond of sleep; of drowsy habits

niddāsīlī : [adj.] fond of sleep; of drowsy habits

niddisati : [ni + dis + a] points out; explains; defines.

niddisi : [aor. of niddisati] pointed out; explained; defined.

niddisitabba : [pt.p. of niddisati] should be pointed out; should be explained; should be defined.

niddisitvā : [abs. of niddisati] having pointed out; having explained; having defined.

niddukkha : [adj.] free from pain or misery.

niddesa : [m.] description; analytic explanation.

niddosa : [adj.] faultless; undefiled.

niddhana : [adj.] poor; without property.

niddhanta : [pp. of niddhamati] blown off; ejected.

niddhamati : [ni + dham + a] blows off; ejects.

niddhamana : [nt.] a drain; canal; ejection.

niddhamanadvāra : [nt.] sluice of a tank.

niddhami : [aor. of niddhamati] blew off; ejected.

niddhamitvā : [abs. of niddhamati] having blown off; having ejected.

niddhāraṇa : [nt.] specification.

niddhārita : [pp. of niddhāreti] specified.

niddhāreti : [ni + dhar + e] specifies.

niddhāretvā : [abs. of niddhāreti] having specified.

niddhāresi : [aor. of niddhāreti] specified.

niddhiṭṭha : [pp. of niddisati] poited out; explained; defined.

niddhunana : [nt.] shaking off.

niddhunāti : [ni + dhu + nā] shakes off.

niddhuni : [aor. of niddhunāti] shook off.

niddhunitvā : [abs. of niddhunāti] having shaken off.

niddhūta : [pp. of niddhunāti] shaken off.

niddhota : [pp. of niddhovati] 1. washed; cleansed; 2. sharpened.

nidhāna : [nt.] a deposit; a hidden treasure.

nidhāpita : [pp. of nidahati] caused to deposit.

nidhāpeti : [caus. of nidahati] causes to deposit.

nidhāpesi : [aor. of nidahati] caused to deposit.

nidhāya : [abs. of nidahati] having deposited or kept aside.

nidhi : [m.] hidden treasure.

nidhikumbhi : [f.] a treasure-pot.

nidhīyati : [pass. of nidheti] is deposited; is buried some treasure.

nidheti : [ni + dah + e] deposits; hides or puts aside.

nidhesi : [aor. of nidheti] deposited; hid or put aside.

nindati : [nind + a] blames; disparages; insults.

nindana : [nt.] insult; disparagement. || nindanā (f.), insult; disparagement.

nindanta : [pr.p. of nindati] blaming; disparaging; insulting.

nindi : [aor. of nindati] blamed; disparaged; insulted.

nindita : [pp. of nindati] blamed; disparaged; insulted.

ninditabba : [pt.p. of nindati] should be blamed; should be disparaged; should be insulted.

ninditvā : [abs. of nindati] having blamed; having disparaged; having insulted.

nindiya : [adj.] blameworthy; faulty.

ninna : [adj.] low-lying; bent down. (nt.), low ground.

ninnatā : [f.] lowliness; inclination.

ninnahuta : [nt.] a number with 36 cyphers.

ninnāda : [m.] melody; tune; sound.

ninnādī : [adj.] sounding loud; having a melodious voice.

ninnāmita : [pp. of ninnāmeti] bent down; put out.

ninnāmeti : [ni + nam + e] bends down; puts out.

ninnāmetvā : [abs. of ninnāmeti] having bent down; having put out.

ninnāmesi : [aor. of ninnāmeti] bent down; put out.

ninnetu : [m.] one who leads down to; one who decides.

nipaka : [adj.] clever; prudent; wise.

nipacca : [abs. of nipatati] having fallen down or bowed down.

nipaccakāra : [m.] humbleness; obedience; respect.

nipajja : [abs. of nipajjati] having laid down; having sleft.

nipajjati : [ni + pad + ya] lies down; sleeps.

nipajjana : [nt.] lying down.

nipajjanta : [pr.p. of nipajjati] lying down; sleeping.

nipajjāpeti : [caus. of nipajjati] causes to lay down; causes to sleep.

nipajji : [aor. of nipajjati] laid down; sleft.

nipajjitvā : [abs. of nipajjati] having laid down; having sleft.

nipajjiya : [abs. of nipajjati] having laid down; having sleft.

nipatati : [ni + pat + a] falls down.

nipati : [aor. of nipatati] fell down. || nipātī (adj.), one who falls upon; going to bed.

nipatita : [pp. of nipatati] fallen down. || nipātita (pp. of nipāteti), let fall; thrown down into.

nipatitvā : [abs. of nipatati] having fallen down.

nipanna : [pp. of nipajjati] laid down; sleft.

nipāta : [m.] falling (down); descent; an indeclinable particle.

nipātana : [nt.] falling upon; throwing down.

nipāteti : [ni + pat + e] lets fall; throws down into.

nipātetvā : [abs. of nipāteti] having let fall; having thrown down into.

nipātenta : [pr.p. of nipāteti] letting fall; throwing down into.

nipātesi : [aor. of nipāteti] let fall; threw down into.

nipāna : [nt.] a watering place or a trough for cattle, etc.

nipuṇa : [adj.] clever; skilful; accomplished.

nippakka : [adj.] boiled; infused.

nippadesa : [adj.] all-embracing; not leaving a portion aside.

nippapañca : [adj.] free from defilement or diffuseness.

nippabha : [adj.] without splendour or lustre.

nippariyāya : [adj.] without distinction or difference.

nippalāpa : [adj.] free from chaff or prattle.

nippāpa : [adj.] sinless.

nippitika : [adj.] fatherless.

nippīḷana : [nt.] squeezing; pressing.

nippīḷita : [pp. of nippīḷeti] squeezed; pressed.

nippīḷeti : [ni + pīl +e] squeezes; presses.

nippīḷetvā : [abs. of nippīḷeti] having squeezed; having pressed.

nippīḷesi : [aor. of nippīḷeti] squeezed; pressed.

nippurisa : [adj.] composed entirely of women.

nippoṭhana : [nt.] beating; shaking off.

nipphajjati : [ni + pad + ya] is produced; springs forth; results; happens.

nipphajjana : [nt.] result; effect; achievement; accomplishment.

nipphajjamāna : [pr.p. of nipphajjati] being produced; springing forth; resulting; happening.

nipphajji : [aor. of nipphajjati] was produced; sprung forth; resulted; happened.

nipphajjitvā : [abs. of nipphajjati] having been produced; having sprung forth; having resulted; having happened.

nipphatti : [f.] result; effect; achievement; accomplishment.

nipphanna : [pp. of nipphajjati] was produced; sprung forth; resulted; happened.

nipphala : [adj.] fruitless; useless; vain.

nipphādaka : [adj.] producing; one who produces. (m.), producer.

nipphādana : [nt.] production; accomplishment.

nipphādita : [pp. of nipphādeti] produced; brought forth; accomplished.

nipphādeti : [ni + pad + e] produces; brings forth; accomplishes.

nipphādetu : [m.] producer.

nipphādetvā : [abs. of nipphādeti] having produced; having brought forth; having accomplished.

nipphādenta : [pr.p. of nipphādeti] producing; bringing forth; accomplishing.

nipphādesi : [aor. of nipphādeti] produced; brought forth; accomplished.

nipphoṭita : [pp. of nipphoṭeti] beat down; smothered; crushed.

nipphoṭeti : [ni + phuṭ + e] beats down; smothers; crushes.

nipphoṭetvā : [abs. of nipphoṭeti] having beated down;having smothered; having crushed.

nipphoṭenta : [pr.p. of nipphoṭeti] beating down; smothering; crushing.

nipphoṭesi : [aor. of nipphoṭeti] beat down; smothered; crushed.

niphoṭana : [nt.] beating.

nibaddha : [adj.] regular; continuous; constant. (pp. of nibandhati) bound; urged; importuned.

nibaddhaṃ : [adv.] always.

nibadhana : [m.] binding; fastening; importunity.

nibandha : [m.] binding; fastening; importunity.

nibandhati : [ni + bandh + a] binds; urges; importunes.

nibandhana : [nt.] binding; fastening; importunity.

nibandhi : [aor. of nibandhati] bound; urged; importuned.

nibandhitvā : [abs. of nibandhati] having bound; having urged; having importuned.

nibbatta : [pp. of nibbattati] was born; reborn; arisen. || nibbaṭṭa (adj.) freed from (seed).

nibbattaka : [adj.] producing; bringing forth.

nibbattati : [ni + vat + a] is born; results; arises.

nibbattana : [nt.] birth; rebirth; product; coming forth.

nibbattanaka : [adj.] producing; bringing forth.

nibbattanta : [pr.p. of nibbattati] being born; resulting; arising.

nibbattabhāva : [m.] the fact of being born.

nibbattāpana : [nt.] reproduction.

nibbatti : [aor. of nibbattati] was born; resulted; arose. (f.), birth; rebirth; product; coming forth.

nibbattita : [pp. of nibbatteti] produced; brought forth.

nibbattitvā : [abs. of nibbattati] having been born; having resulted; having arisen.

nibbattetabba : [pt.p. of nibbatteti] should be produced; should be brought forth.

nibbatteti : [ni + vat + e] produces; brings forth.

nibbattetvā : [abs. of nibbatteti] having produced; having brought forth

nibbattenta : [pr.p. of nibbatteti] producing; bringing forth.

nibbattesi : [aor. of nibbatteti] produced; brought forth.

nibbaddhaṃ : [adv.] always.

nibbana : [adj.] free from craving. || nibbāna (nt.), cooling; extinction (of a fire); emancipation; the final bliss.

nibbanatha : [adj.] free from craving.

nibbasana : [nt.] cast-off cloth.

nibbāti : [ni + vā + a] gets cold; becomes passionless; is extinguished.

nibbātuṃ : [inf.] to cease to exist.

nibbānagamana : [adj.] leading to nibbāna.

nibbānadhātu : [f.] the sphere of nibbāna.

nibbānapatti : [f.] attainment of nibbāna

nibbānasacchikiriyā : [f.] realisation of nibbāna.

nibbānasampatti : [f.] the bliss of nibbāna.

nibbānābhirata : [adj.] finding delight in nibbāna; fond of nibbāna.

nibbāpana : [nt.] cooling; quenching; extinction.

nibbāpita : [pp. of nibbāpeti] put out; cooled; extinguished.

nibbāpeti : [ni + vā + e] puts out; cools; extinguishes.

nibbāpetvā : [abs. of nibbāpeti] having put out; having cooled; having extinguished.

nibbāpenta : [pr.p. of nibbāpeti] putting out; cooling; extinguishing.

nibbāpesi : [aor. of nibbāpeti] put out; cooled; extinguished.

nibbāyati : [ni + vā + ya] ceases to exist; becomes cool.

nibbāyanta : [pr.p. of nibbāti] getting cold; becoming passionless; being extinguished.

nibbāyi : [aor. of nibbāti] got cold; became passionless; was extinguished. (aor. of nibbāyati) ceased to exist; became cool. (see nibbāti.)

nibbāyituṃ : [inf.] to cease to exist.

nibbāyitvā : [abs. of nibbāti] haing got cold; having become passionless; having been extinguished.

nibbāhati : [v.] carries out; unsheathes.

nibbāhana : [nt.] removal; clearance. (adj.), leading out.

nibbāhāpetvā : [abs.] having caused to carry.

nibbikāra : [adj.] unchanging; steadfast.

nibbicikiccha : [adj.] doubtless; sure; trusting.

nibbijja : [abs. of nibbijjati] having been disheartened or disgusted.

nibbijjati : [ni + vij + ya] is disheartened or disgusted.

nibbijji : [aor. of nibbijjati] was disheartened or disgusted.

nibbijjitvā : [abs. of nibbijjati] having been disheartened or disgusted.

nibbijjhati : [ni + vidh + ya] pierces; breaks through.

nibbijjhi : [aor. of nibbijjhati] pierced; broke through.

nibbidā : [f.] aversion; disgust; weariness.

nibbiddha : [pp. of nibbijjhati] pierced; broken through.

nibbindati : [ni + vid + ṃ-a] gets wearied of; is disgusted with.

nibbindi : [aor. of nibbindati] got wearied of; was disgusted with.

nibbinditvā : [abs. of nibbindati] having got wearied of; having been disgusted with.

nibbinna : [pp. of nibbijjati] was disheartened or disgusted. (pp. of nibbindati), got wearied of; was disgusted with.

nibbisa : [nt.] wages, earnings. (adj.) poisonless.

nibbisati : [ni + vis + a] seeks after.

nibbisanta : [pr.p. of nibbisati] seeking after.

nibbisi : [aor. of nibbisati] sook after.

nibbisesa : [adj.] similar; showing no difference.

nibbuta : [pp. of nibbāti] got cold; become passionless; was extinguished.

nibbuti : [f.] peace; happiness; allayment; the final bliss.

nibbuyhati : [ni + vah + ya] floats; is buoyed up.

nibbeṭhana : [nt.] unwinding; explanation.

nibbeṭhita : [pp. of nibbeṭheti] unraveled; untwisted; explained.

nibbeṭheti : [ni + veṭh + e] unravels; untwists; explains.

nibbeṭhetvā : [abs.of nibbeṭheti] having unraveled; having untwisted; having explained.

nibbeṭhesi : [aor. of nibbeṭheti] unraveled; untwisted; explained.

nibbedha : [m.] penetration; piercing.

nibbematika : [adj.] of one accord; unanimous.

nibbhaya : [adj.] fearless; brave.

nibbhoga : [adj.] useless; deserted.

nibha : [adj.] equal to; resembling. || nibhā (f.), lustre; light.

nibhāti : [ni + bhā + a] shines.

nibhāsi : [aor. of nibhāti] shone.

nimantaka : [adj.] one who invites.

nimantana : [nt.] invitation.

nimantita : [pp. of nimanteti] invited.

nimantiya : [abs. of nimanteti] having invited.

nimanteti : [ni + mant + e] invites.

nimantetvā : [abs. of nimanteti] having invited.

nimantenta : [pr.p. of nimanteti] inviting.

nimantesi : [aor. of nimanteti] invited.

nimitta : [nt.] sign; omen; portent; cause.

nimittaggāhī : [adj.] sensuously attracted; led away by outward signs.

nimittapāṭhaka : [m.] one who prognosticates.

nimināti : [ni + mā + nā] exchanges for; barters.

nimini : [aor. of nimināti] exchanged for; bartered.

niminita : [pp. of nimināti] exchanged for; bartered.

nimisa : [m.] winking.

nimisati : [ni + mis + a] winks.

nimisanta : [pr.p. of nimisati] winking.

nimisi : [aor. of nimisati] winked.

nimīlana : [nt.] winking.

nimīlita : [pp. of nimīleti] winked; shut; closed.

nimīleti : [ni + mīl + e] winks; shuts; closes.

nimīletvā : [abs. of nimīleti] having winked; having shut; having closed.

nimīlesi : [aor. of nimīleti] winked; shut; closed.

nimugga : [pp. of nimujjati] sunk down; dived in; splunged into.

nimujjati : [ni + mujj + a] sinks down; dives in; splunges into.

nimujjana : [nt.] diving; sinking; ducking.

nimujjā : [f.] diving; sinking; ducking.

nimujji : [aor. of nimujjati] sunk down; dived in; splunged into.

nimujjituṃ : [inf. of nimujjati] to sink down; to dive in; to splunge into.

nimujjitvā : [abs. of nimujjati] having sunk down; having dived in; having splunged into.

nimesa : [m.] winking; a wink.

nimba : [m.] the margosa tree, Azadirachta Iindica.

nimmaṃsa : [adj.] free from flesh.

nimmakkhika : [adj.] free from flies or larvae.

nimmajjana : [nt.] squeezing.

nimmathati : [ni + math + a] suppresses; destroys; aqueezes.

nimmathana : [nt.] crushing.

nimmathi : [aor. of nimmathati] suppressed; destroyed; aqueezed.

nimmathita : [pp. of nimmathati] suppressed; destroyed; aqueezed.

nimmathitvā : [abs. of nimmathati] having suppressed; having destroyed; having aqueezed.

nimmaddana : [nt.] crushing; subduing.

nimmanthati : [ni + manth + a] suppresses; destroys; squeezes. (see nimmathati).

nimmala : [adj.] clean; pure; free from impurity.

nimmāṇa : [nt.] creation; production.

nimmātāpitika : [adj.] orphan.

nimmātika : [adj.] motherless.

nimmātu : [m.] the creator; maker; builder.

nimmāna : [adj.] free from pride.

nimmāya : [abs. of nimmiṇāti] having created; having fashioned; having built; having produced.

nimmiṇanta : [pr.p. of nimmiṇāti] creating; fashioning; building; producing.

nimmiṇāti : [ni + mi + nā] creates; fashions; builds; produces.

nimmiṇi : [aor. of nimmiṇāti] created; fashioned; built; produced.

nimmiṇitvā : [abs. of nimmiṇāti] having created; having fashioned; having built; having produced.

nimmita : [pp. of nimmiṇāti] created; fashioned; built; produced.

nimmoka : [m.] the slough of a serpent.

niya : [adj.] one’s own.

niyaka : [adj.] one’s own.

niyata : [adj.] sure; certain; constant.

niyati : [f.] fate; destiny. || nīyati (pass. of neti), is led or carried. nīyāti (ni + yā + a), is led, guided or conducted; is carried.

niyama : [m.] limitation; certainty; definition. || niyāma (m.), certainty; fixed method; regular order.

niyamana : [nt.] fixing; settling; definition.

niyamita : [pp. of niyameti] fixed; commanded; controled; defined.

niyameti : [ni + yam + e] fixes; commands; controls; defines.

niyametvā : [abs. of niyameti] having fixed; having commanded; having controled; having defined.

niyamesi : [aor. of niyameti] fixed; commanded; controled; defined.

niyāmaka : [m.] 1. a ship’s captain; 2. commander; 3. regulator.

niyāmatā : [f.] certainty; fixed method; regular order.

niyuñjati : [ni + yuj + a] engages in.

niyuñji : [aor. of niyñjati] engaged in.

niyutta : [pp. of niyuñjati] appointed to; engaged in; commissioned.

niyoga : [m.] command; order.

niyojana : [nt.] urging; ordering; committing.

niyojita : [pp. of niyojeti] a representative.

niyojeti : [ni + yuj + e] urges; incites; commits.

niyojetvā : [abs. of niyojeti] having urged; having incited; having commited.

niyojenta : [pr.p. of niyojeti] urging; inciting; commiting.

niyojesi : [aor. of niyojeti] urged; incited; commited.

niyyati : [ni + yā + a] is led, guided or conducted; is carried. (pass. of niyyāti), is gone out; is got out of. || niyyāti (ni + yā + a), goes out; gets out of.

niyyāta : [pp. of niyyāti] gone out; got out of.

niyyātana : [nt.] giving in charge; dedication; returning (of something).

niyyātita : [pp. of niyyāteti] given into charge; given over; assigned; dedicated.

niyyātu : [m.] a leader; guide; one who goes out.

niyyāteti : [ni + yat + e] gives into charge; gives over; assigns; dedicates.

niyyātetvā : [abs. of niyyāteti] having given into charge; having given over; having assigned; having dedicated.

niyyātesi : [aor. of niyyāteti] gave into charge; gave over; assigned; dedicated.

niyyādita : [pp. of niyyādeti] given into charge; given over; assigned; dedicated.

niyyādeti : [ni + yat + e] gives into charge; gives over; hands over; assigns; dedicates. || niyyādeti = nīyādeti.

niyyādetvā : [abs. of niyyādeti] having given into charge; having given over; having assigned; having dedicated.

niyyādesi : [aor. of niyyādeti] gave into charge; gave over; assigned; dedicated.

niyyāna : [nt.] going out; departure; release; deliverance.

niyyānika : [adj.] leading out to salvation; profitable.

niyyāsa : [m.] gum; exudation of trees.

niyyāsi : [aor. of niyyāti] went out; got out of.

niyyūha : [m.] a turret; pinnacle.

niraggala : [adj.] unobstructed; free.

niraṅkata : [pp. of niraṅkaroti] repudiated; disregarded.

niraṅkatvā : [abs. of niraṅkaroti] having repudiated; having disregarded.

niraṅkari : [aor. of niraṅkaroti] repudiated; disregarded.

niraṅkaroti : [ni + ā + kar + o] repudiates; disregards.

nirata : [adj.] fond of; attached to.

nirattha : [adj.] useless; unproficient; vain.

niratthaka : [adj.] useless; unproficient; vain.

niratthakaṃ : [adv.] in vain.

nirantara : [adj.] continuous; uninterrupted.

nirantaraṃ : [adv.] always; continuously; incessantrly.

niraparādha : [adj.] guiltless; innocent.

nirapekkha : [adj.] indifferent; heedless; disregarding.

nirapekha : [adj.] indifferent; heedless; disregarding.

nirabbuda : [adj.] free from trouble or tumours. (nt.), a vast number. (m.), name of a hell.

niraya : [m.] the purgatory; hell.

nirayagāmī : [adj.] leading to hell.

nirayadukkha : [nt.] the pain of hell.

nirayapāla : [m.] a guardian in hell.

nirayabhaya : [nt.] the fear of hell.

nirayasaṃvattanika : [adj.] conducive to hell.

niravasesa : [adj.] inclusive; without remainder.

nirassāda : [adj.] insipid; tasteless; dull.

nirākata : [pp. of nirākaroti] repudiated; disregarded.

nirākatvā : [abs. of nirākaroti] having repudiated; having disregarded.

nirākari : [aor. of nirākaroti] repudiated; disregarded.

nirākaroti : [ni + ā + kar + o] repudiates; disregards.

nirākula : [adj.] unconfused; undisturbed.

nirātaṅka : [adj.] free from disease; healthy.

nirāmaya : [adj.] free from disease; healthy.

nirāmisa : [adj.] having no meat; free from sensual desires; non-material.

nirārambha : [adj.] without killing of animals.

nirālamba : [adj.] unsupported; groundless.

nirālaya : [adj.] free from desire; regardless; houseless.

nirāsa : [adj.] desireless.

nirāsaṃsa : [adj.] without wishes or expectations.

nirāsaṅka : [adj.] unsuspicious; not doubting.

nirāhāra : [adj.] foodless; fasting.

nirindhana : [adj.] fuel-less.

nirujjhati : [ni + rudh + ya] ceases; dissolves; vanishes.

nirujjhana : [nt.] ceasing; dissolving.

nirujjhi : [aor. of nirujjhati] ceased; dissolved; vanished.

nirujjhitvā : [abs. of nirujjhati] having ceased; having dissolved; having vanished.

niruttara : [adj.] not answerable; making no reply; one who has no superior; the most noble.

nirutti : [f.] language; philology.

niruttipaṭisambhidā : [f.] knowledge of dialects or philological analysis.

nirudaka : [adj.] waterless.

niruddha : [pp. of nirujjhati] ceased; dissolved; vanished.

nirupaddava : [adj.] harmless; secure; without mishap.

nirupadhi : [adj.] free from passions or attachment. (in verse always nirūpadhi).

nirupama : [adj.] incomparable.

niroga : [adj.] healthy.

niroja : [adj.] insipid; sapless.

nirodha : [m.] cessation; the final truth.

nirodhadhamma : [adj.] subject to destruction.

nirodhasamāpatti : [f.] attainment of cessation of consciousness.

nirodhita : [pp. of nirodheti] destroyed; dissolved; annihilated.

nirodheti : [ni + rudh + e] destroys; dissolves; annihilates.

nirodhetvā : [abs. of nirodheti] having destroyed; having dissolved; having annihilated.

nirodhesi : [aor. of nirodheti] destroyed; dissolved; annihilated.

nilaya : [m.] home; lair; habitation; dwelling place.

nilīna : [pp. of nilīyati] hiden; lurked; kept on self hidden.

nilīyati : [ni + lī + ya] hides; lurks; keeps on self hidden.

nilīyi : [aor. of nilīyati] hid; lurked; kept on self hidden.

nilīyitvā : [abs. of nilīyati] having hidden; having lurked; having kept on self hidden.

nillajja : [adj.] shameless.

nillehaka : [adj.] licking or one who licks.

nilloketi : [v.] observes; looks at carefully.

nillopa : [m.] plundering.

nillolupa : [adj.] free from greed.

nivatta : [pp. of nivattati] stopped, remaining behind.

nivattati : [ni + vat + a] turns back; turns away from; stays; remains behind.

nivattana : [nt.] stoppage; return; turning back; remaining behind.

nivattanta : [pr.p. of nivattati] turning back; turning away from; staying; remaining behind.

nivatti : [aor. of nivattati] turned back; turned away from; stayed; remained behind. (f.) stoppage; return; turning back; remaining behind.

nivattita : [pp. of nivatteti] stopped; made go back; barred; made remain behind.

nivattituṃ : [inf. of nivattati] to turn back; to turn away from; to stay; to remain behind.

nivattitvā : [abs. of nivattati] having turned back; having turned away from; having stayed; having remained behind.

nivattiya : [abs. of nivattati] having turned back; having turned away from; having stayed; having remained behind.

nivatteti : [ni + vat + e] stops; makes go back; bars; makes remain behind.

nivattetvā : [abs. of nivatteti] having stopped; having made go back; having barred; having made remain behind.

nivattenta : [pr.p. of nivatteti] stopping; making go back; barring; making remain behind.

nivattesi : [aor. of nivatteti] stopped; made go back; barred; made remain behind.

nivattha : [pp. of nivāseti] clothed in or with; dressed; dressed oneself; got clothed or dressed.

nivasati : [ni + vas + a] lives; dwells; inhabits; stays.

nivasanta : [pr.p. of nivasati] living; dwelling; inhabiting; staying.

nivasi : [aor. of nivasati] lived; dwelled; inhabited; stayed. || nivāsī (m.), one who dwells, lives or stays.

nivasitvā : [abs. of nivasati] having lived; having dwelled; having inhabited; having stayed.

nivaha : [m.] a heap; multitude.

nivātaka : [nt.] a sheltered place; opportunity for hiding.

nivātavuttī : [adj.] humble; obedient.

nivāpa : [m.] fodder; bait; food thrown for feeding.

nivāraṇa : [nt.] prevention; warding off; refusal. || nīvaraṇa (nt.), obstacle or hindrance (to the progress of mind).

nivārita : [pp. of nivāreti] prevented; kept back; forbiden; obstructed.

nivāriya : [adj.] what should be prevented or checked.

nivāreti : [ni + var + e] prevents; keeps back; forbids; obstructs.

nivāretu : [m.] one who prevents, forbids or obstructs.

nivāretvā : [abs. of nivāreti] having prevented; having kept back; having forbiden; having obstructed.

nivāresi : [aor. of nivāreti] prevented; kept back; forbad; obstructed.

nivāsa : [m.] abode; resting place; living.

nivāsana : [nt.] undergarment; clothing; dress.

nivāsabhūmi : [f.] dwelling place.

nivāsika : [m.] one who dwells, lives or stays.

nivāsita : [pp. of nivāseti] dressed oneself; got clothed or dressed.

nivāseti : [ni + vas + e] dresses oneself; gets clothed or dressed.

nivāsetuṃ : [inf. of nivāseti] to dress oneself; to get clothed or dressed.

nivāsetvā : [abs. of nivāseti] having dressed oneself; having got clothed or dressed.

nivāsenta : [pr.p. of nivāseti] dressing oneself; getting clothed or dressed.

nivāsesi : [aor. of nivāseti] dressed oneself; got clothed or dressed.

niviṭṭha : [pp. of nivisati] settled; established in; devoted to.

nivisati : [ni + vis + a] settles down; enters; establishes oneself.

nivisi : [aor. of nivisati] settled down; entered; established oneself.

nivuta : [pp.] enveloped; hammed in; surrounded.

nivuttha : [pp. of nivasati] lived; dwelled; inhabited; stayed.

nivedaka : [adj.] one who announces or informs.

nivedana : [nt.] announcement; information; report.

nivedita : [pp. of nivedeti] made known; communicated; reported; announced.

nivediya : [abs. of nivedeti] having made known; having communicated; having reported; having announced.

nivedeti : [ni + vid + e] makes known; communicates; reportes; announces.

nivedetvā : [abs. of nivedeti] having made known; having communicated; having reported; having announced.

nivedesi : [aor. of nivedeti] made known; communicated; reported; announced.

nivesa : [m.] settlement; abode; house.

nivesana : [nt.] settlement; abode; house.

nivesita : [pp. of nivedeti] established in; settled; arranged.

niveseti : [ni + vis + e] establishes in; settles; arranges.

nivesetvā : [abs. of nivedeti] having established in; having settled; having arranged.

nivesesi : [aor. of nivedeti] established in; settled; arranged.

nisajja : [abs. of nisīdati] having sat down. || nisajjā (f.), sitting down.

nisada : [m.] a grindstone.

nisadapota : [m.] the upper stone for grinding.

nisabha : [m.] a leading ox; the best of men.

nisamma : [abs. of nisāmeti] having considered. (adv.) considerately.

nisammakārī : [adj.] acting considerately.

nisā : [f.] night.

nisākara : [m.] the moon.

nisāṇa : [m.] whetstone.

nisādī : [adj.] lying down.

nisānātha : [m.] the moon.

nisāmaka : [adj.] observant; listening to.

nisāmita : [pp. of nisāmeti] listened to; observed; attended to.

nisāmeti : [ni + sām + e] listens to; observes; attends to.

nisāmetvā : [abs. of nisāmeti] having listened to; having observed; having attended to.

nisāmenta : [pr.p. of nisāmeti] listening to; observing; attending to.

nisāmesi : [aor. of nisāmeti] listened to; observed; attended to.

nisita : [adj.] sharp; whetted; sharpened.

nisinna : [pp. of nisīdati] sat down.

nisinnaka : [adj.] sitting down.

nisinnaṭṭhāna : [nt.] place for sitting.

nisītha : [m.] midnight.

nisīdati : [ni + sad + a] sits down.

nisīdana : [nt.] 1. sitting down; 2. a seat; a mat to sit on.

nisīdanta : [pr.p. of nisīdati] siting down.

nisīdāpana : [nt.] causing to sit down.

nisīdāpita : [pp. of nisīdāpeti] caused to sit down.

nisīdāpeti : [caus. of nisīdati] causes to sit down.

nisīdāpetvā : [abs. of nisīdāpeti] having caused to sit down.

nisīdāpesi : [aor. of nisīdāpeti] caused to sit down.

nisīdi : [aor. of nisīdati] sat down.

nisīditabba : [pt.p. of nisīdati] should be sat down.

nisīditvā : [abs. of nisīdati] having sat down.

nisīdiya : [abs. of nisīdati] having sat down.

nisedha : [m.] prevention; prohibition; holding back.

nisedhaka : [adj.] prohibiting; one who prevents or obstructs.

nisedhana : [nt.] prevention; prohibition; holding back.

nisedhita : [pp. of nisedheti] prevented; prohibited; kept off.

nisedhiya : [abs. of nisedheti] having prevented; having prohibited; having kept off.

nisedhetabba : [pt.p. of nisedheti] should be prevented; should be prohibited; should be kept off.

nisedheti : [ni + sidh + e] prevents; prohibits; keeps off.

nisedhetvā : [abs. of nisedheti] having prevented; having prohibited; having kept off.

nisedhenta : [pr.p. of nisedheti] preventing; prohibiting; keeping off.

nisedhesi : [aor. ofnisedheti] prevented; prohibited; kept off.

nisevati : [ni + sev + a] associates; pursues; indulges in.

nisevana : [nt.] 1. associating; 2. using; 3. practising.

nisevi : [aor. of nisevati] associated; pursued; indulged in.

nisevita : [pp. of nisevati] associated; pursued; indulged in.

nisevitvā : [abs. of nisevati] having associated; having pursued; having indulged in.

nissagga : [m.] giving up.

nissaggiya : [adj.] what ought to be rejected or abandoned.

nissaṅga : [adj.] unattached; unselfish.

nissajati : [ni + saj + a] gives up; lets loose.

nissaji : [aor. of nissajati] gave up; let loose.

nissajja : [abs. of nissajati] having given up; having let loose.

nissajjitvā : [abs. of nissajati] having given up; having let loose.

nissaṭa : [pp. of nissarati] departed; escaped from; come out from; rejected; let loose.

nissaṭṭha : [pp. of nissajati] given up; dismissed; handed over.

nissatta : [adj.] soulless.

nissadda : [adj.] silent; noiseless.

nissanda : [m.] 1. result; outcome; 2. discharge; trickling down.

nissaya : [m.] 1. support; 2. protection; 3. that on which anything depends. || nissāya (ind.), by means of; by one’s support; near by.

nissayati : [ni + si + ya] leans on; relies on; associates.

nissayi : [aor. of nissayati] leaned on; relied on; associated.

nissaraṇa : [nt.] 1. going out; departure; 2. escape. || nissāraṇa (nt.), driving out.

nissarati : [ni + sar + a] departs; escapes from.

nissari : [aor. of nissarati] departed; escaped from.

nissaritvā : [abs. of nissarati] having departed; having escaped from.

nissāra : [adj.] worthless; sapless; unsubstantial.

nissārajja : [adj.] without diffidence; confident on one’s own power.

nissita : [pp. of nissayati] dependent on; hanging on; living by means of.

nissitaka : [adj. & n.] an adherent; one who is supported by.

nissirīka : [adj.] unfortunate; miserable.

nisseṇī : [f.] ladder; a flight of steps.

nissesa : [adj.] entire; whole.

nissesaṃ : [adv.] entirely.

nissoka : [adj.] free from sorrow.

nihata : [pp. of nihanati] slew; put down; humiliated; destroyed. || nīhaṭa (pp. of nīharati), taken out; driven away.

nihatamāna : [adj.] prideless; polite.

nihanati : [ni + han + a] slays; puts down; humiliates; destroys.

nihani : [aor. of nihanati] slew; put down; humiliated; destroyed.

nihantvā : [abs. of nihanati] having slain; having put down; having humiliated; having destroyed.

nihita : [pp. of nidahati] deposited; buried some treasure.

nihīna : [adj.] low; vile; base. (pp. of nihīyati), come to ruin; been destroyed.

nihīnakamma : [nt.] sinful action. (adj.) sinful; of low action.

nihīnapañña : [adj.] of inferior wisdom.

nihīnasevī : [adj.] having bad association; of vile pursuit.

nihīyati : [ni + hā + ī + ya] comes to ruin; is destroyed.

nihīyamāna : [pr.p. of nihīyati] coming to ruin; being destroyed.

nihīyi : [aor. of nihīyati] came to ruin; was destroyed.

nīgha : [m.] misery; confusion.

nīca : [adj.] low; humble; inferior.

nīcakula : [nt.] low caste.

nīcakulīnatā : [f.] state of having a low birth.

nīcāsana : [nt.] a low seat.

nīta : [pp. of neti] carried; guided; inferred; led by.

nītattha : [(nīta + attha) m.] inferred meaning.

nīti : [f.] law; guidance.

nītigantha : [m.] law-book.

nītisattha : [nt.] the science of statecraft; law-book.

nīpa : [m.] the tree Nauclea Cadamba.

nīyānika : [adj.] leading out to salvation; profitable.

nīra : [nt.] water.

nīla : [adj.] blue; m. the blue colour. || nīḷa (nt.), a nest.

nīlakasiṇa : [nt.] a blue disk used for meditation.

nīlagīva : [m.] a peacock.

nīlamaṇi : [m.] a sapphire.

nīlavaṇṇa : [adj.] having the blue colour.

nīlavallī : [f.] a kind of medicinal creeper.

nīlasappa : [m.] the whip snake.

nīlinī : [f.] the indigo plant.

nīlī : [f.] the indigo plant.

nīluppala : [nt.] blue water-lily.

nīḷaja : [m.] a bird.

nīvaraṇiya : [adj.] forming a hindrance.

nīvāra : [m.] a kind of grain.

nīharaṇa : [nt.] taking out; carrying away.

nīharati : [ni + har + a] takes out; drives away; stretches out.

nīharanta : [pr.p. of nīharati] taking out; driving away; stretching out.

nīhari : [aor. of nīharati] took out; drove away; stretched out.

nīharitvā : [abs. of nīharati] having taken out; having driven away; having stretched out.

nīhāra : [m.] 1. ejection; 2. carrying out; 3. the way; manner.

nu : an affirmative indefinite particle, frequently combined with interrogative pronouns.

nuṇṇa : [pp. of nudati] driven away; removed.

nuda : [adj.] expelling; dispelling.

nudaka : [adj.] expelling; dispelling.

nudati : [nud + a] drives away; expels; rejects.

nudi : [aor. of nudati] drove away; expeled; rejected.

nuditvā : [abs. of nudati] having driven away; having expeled; having rejected.

nunesi : [aor.] concilated; appeased.

nūtana : [adj.] new; fresh.

nūna : [ind.] indeed; surely; certainly.

nūpura : [nt.] anklet.

neka : [adj.] several; many.

nekatika : [m.] a cheat. (adj.) deceitful; fraudulent.

nekadhā : [adv.] in many ways.

nekākāra : [adj.] various; divers.

nekāyika : [adj.] versed in the five collections of the scriptures; belonging to a sect.

nekkha : [nt.] a big gold coin.

nekkhamma : [nt.] giving up the world; renunciation.

nekkhammabhirata : [adj.] fond of renunciation.

nekkhammavitakka : [m.] thought of self-abnegation.

nekkhammasaṅkappa : [m.] thought of self-abnegation.

nekkhammasukha : [nt.] the happiness of leading a holy life.

negama : [adj.] belonging to a market-town. m. a town-council.

netabba : [pt.p. of neti] should be led; should be guided; should be carried away.

neti : [ni + a] leads; guides; carries away.

netu : [m.] leader.

netta : [nt.] the eye.

nettārā : [f.] pupil of the eye.

netti : [f.] 1. craving; 2. conduit.

nettiṃsa : [m.] a sword.

nettika : [m.] one who makes conduits for irrigation.

netvā : [abs. of neti] having led; having guided; having carried away.

nenta : [pr.p. of neti] leading; guiding; carrying away.

nepakka : [nt.] prudence.

nepuñña : [nt.] skill.

nemi : [f.] the rim of a wheel.

nemittika : [m.] a fortune-teller; soothsayer.

nemindhara : [m.] name of a mountain.

neyya : [adj.] to be led or carried; to be inferred or understood.

nerañjarā : [f.] name of a river.

nerayika : [adj.] born in the hell; one doomed to suffer in the hell.

neru : [m.] name of the highest mountain.

nevāsika : [m.] an inmate; a resident.

nesajjika : [adj.] remaining in a sitting position.

nesāda : [m.] a hunter.

nesi : [aor. of neti] led; guided; carried away.

no : negative and adversative particle.

nonīta : [nt.] fresh butter.

nyāsa : [m.] a mortgage; pawn.

nhāta : [pp. of nahāyati] one who has bathed.

nhāna : [nt.] bathing; bath.

nhāru : [m.] a sinew; a tendon.




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